Perspectives on the Sustainable Development Goals

Given decision: 2018-11-14 00:00

Decided 2018-11-14. Formas welcomes researchers to apply for planning grants for preparatory work to lead larger research projects that relate to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The planning grant is expected to be used for initiating broad consortia, developing a strategic research plan and carrying out pre-studies. The call consists of two parts, where the first focuses on relations between the Sustainable Development Goals, and the second is focused on humanities and social sciences.


Decisionlist: Perspectives on the Sustainable Development Goals 2018-11-14 (xls) External link.

The official given decision will at the latest be announced in Prisma on 23 November.

Part 1: Synergies and conflicts

Several of the Sustainable Development Goals relates to each other, which creates potential for synergies as well as conflicts. The planning grants in this part of the call shall focus on the relation between challenges within at least three of the Sustainable Development Goals, such as food and water, land-use, bio-energy, biodiversity, ecosystem services and climate change. Proposals from all scientific disciplines are accepted.

Who can apply: The main applicant should be a researcher that holds a Ph.D. In addition, the main applicant should be employed at a Swedish university, college, research institute or governmental agency with research responsibilities.

Each project can apply for: SEK 2 million.

Length of project: 12 months.

Formas allocates: Up to SEK 30 million (total sum for part 1 and 2).

Part 2: Humanities and social sciences

A multitude of scientific perspectives on the Sustainable Development Goals are necessary. In this part of the call, Formas seeks proposals based on approaches from the humanities and social sciences, such as economic, cultural, institutional, political, historical, psychological, theological, philosophical or formative perspectives. The research must clearly relate to one or several Sustainable Development Goals.

Who can apply: The main applicant should be a researcher that holds a Ph.D. In addition, the main applicant should be employed at a Swedish university, college, research institute or governmental agency with research responsibilities.

Each project can apply for: SEK 2 million.

Length of project: 12 months.

Formas allocates: Up to SEK 30 million (total sum for part 1 and 2).

Call texts

In the full call texts, you will find all you need to know before, during and after you have applied.

Call text Part 1: Synergies and conflicts , 125.2 kB.

Call text Part 2: Humanities and social sciences , 124.3 kB.

Would you like to know more about the call?

A webinar about the call will be arranged June 19, 10.00 CET. This will be announced in the Formas calendar at External link..

How to apply


The application should be submitted through the application system Prisma. External link.
Guidelines for what your application should contain and information about evaluation criteria will be provided in the full call texts.

More information

General instructions for applicants to Formas
External link.
Formas requirements for grant administrating organisations External link.
Formas instructions for using Prisma External link.
Prisma user support External link.
Apply in Prisma External link.

Prisma IT support External link.

Contact information


Katarina Buhr, Senior Research Officer
Telephone: +46 8 775 40 19

Administrative assistance

Sara Paglia, Research Administrator
Telephone: +46 8 775 41 09, +46 72 451 33 55

Så ansöker du


Ansökan skickas in genom ansökningssystemet Prisma External link, opens in new window..
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Katarina Buhr, forskningssekreterare
Telefon: 08-775 40 19

Administrativt stöd

Sara Paglia, forskningsadministratör
Telefon: 08-775 41 09, 072-451 33 55

Updated:1 February 2019