Applying for funding
Who can apply for funding?
Universities, colleges, research institutes and their affiliated researchers represent our main applicant groups. But many others can also apply for funding from us – special interest groups, private companies (except sole proprietors), associations, municipalities, county councils, and other government agencies that are not higher education institutions.
Projects that qualify for funding
When you apply for project funding, you can apply for grants to cover both direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include costs for salaries, equipment and travel. Indirect costs are costs that are shared with others in your organisation, such as for administration, IT and renting of premises.
How to apply
You apply for funding and add the information you need for your application in our application system, Prisma. There is some information that is good to know before you apply, such as what our assessment criteria are, who is considered an administrating organisation and may receive the money, what our publication criteria are, and what considerations you should take into account for your project when you apply for funding.
How we assess your application
We assess applications on the basis of scientific quality and relevance for society. We sometimes consider other criteria, and in such cases we will state this in our call descriptions. Formas’ Scientific Council is responsible for decisions about which projects are granted funding. The Scientific Council delegates decisions on granting funds of up to SEK 10 million per project and year to Formas’ director general, who in turn delegates these decisions to Formas’ department heads. The decisions are based on the recommendations made by our review panels. It is these review panel members who assess all applications before they are submitted to Formas’ for a decision.
When are you informed about our decision?
Each call description states when you can expect to be informed. You or the project manager will receive a message in Prisma. The message will be sent to the project manager’s account.
Reporting requirements
If you are awarded a grant, you must report project expenses and results. This is done in Prisma.
Current calls
Explore – Formas’ open call for research projects
In Explore – Formas open call for research projects, you are invited to freely formulate a research question within Formas’ areas of responsibility. The call supports innovative research of the highes...Current: 32 days left. Apply before: 2024-10-16 14:00 -
Formas communication call 2024
The purpose of the communication call is to support projects that communicate and popularise research results regarding sustainable development for knowledge to be used and create benefit in society....Current: 39 days left. Apply before: 2024-10-23 14:00 -
Driving Urban Transitions: New European call for 2024 about sustainable urban transitions
Transnational research and innovation projects for urban development can receive financial support through this year's call within the European partnership Driving urban transitions, DUT. Formas, the...Current: 61 days left. Apply before: 2024-11-14 13:00 -
Planning for transformation (Stage 2)
In the scope of the National Research Programme for Sustainable Spatial Planning funding is being offered for research projects that contribute to knowledge and solutions for developing Swedish spatia...Given decision: 2021-06-17 14:00 -
Biodiversa plus: Transformative Change and Biodiversity
The EU partnership Biodiversa+ supports research on biodiversity with impacts for policy and society. The call Transformative Change and Biodiversity, made within the partnership, focuses on the impor...Current: 48 days left. Apply before: 2024-11-01 14:00 -
Smart Built Environment – The Innovation Ideas call
The purpose of the Innovation Ideas call is to increase opportunities for primarily small and medium-sized enterprises and small and medium-sized municipalities to develop ideas that can lead to innov...Given decision: 2024-06-25 17:00 -
Sustainable, circular and resource-efficient built environment
The re-use of resources needs to significantly increase, and climate emissions need to be reduced in existing built environments and in construction to achieve a sustainable, circular and resource-eff...Future: Open for applying 2024-10-01 14:00 -
Smart Built Environment: Digital built environment in practice
The call is to contribute to the sustainable development of our built environment through projects that use digitalisation as a central component and as a tool for improved sustainability in spatial p...Given decision: 2024-05-14 14:00 -
Co-funded call: Ecosystem-based aquatic management
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, and Formas are jointly announcing this call for research aimed at developing new knowledge to improve t...Closed: Decision is made 2025-01-14 14:00. -
Contingency planning and competitiveness in the food system – a call for transdisciplinary centres
Formas is announcing a call to fund transdisciplinary research centres that can contribute to the sustainability transition of the Swedish food system. Centres need to take on one or more complex chal...Closed: Decision is made 2024-11-12 14:00.