Preliminärt beslut (endast beslutsmeddelande via Prisma är garanti för beviljat bidrag. Det kan ta upp till några dagar innan individuella beslut publiceras i Prisma. Felaktigheter i projektdatabasen och listan nedan kan finnas).
Dnr | Förnamn | Efternamn | Titel | Organisation | Totalt beviljat belopp (kronor) |
2023-02132 | Christian | Lindh | Avvägning mellan livsmedelssäkerhet och livsmedelsförsörjning och dess effekter på SDGs för barn i Sydafrika, Sverige och Schweiz | Lunds universitet | 2 971 096 |
2023-02135 | Kenneth | Persson | Säkerställ vattensäkerhet mot hållbara utvecklingsmål i akvatiska ekosystem | Lunds universitet | 2 988 200 |
2023-02136 | Mattias | Hallquist | From air quality data to actions for clean air for vulnerable populations in African developing countries | Göteborgs universitet | 2 937 944 |
2023-02152 | Erik | Alexandersson | Uteveckling och anpassning av jordbruksbiologiska produkter för att möta småbrukares behov i Afrika söder om Sahara och bygga hållbara livsmedelssystem | Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet | 2 998 350 |
2023-02155 | Magdalena | Kuchler | Utvinna energi från naturliga och antropogena vibrationer | Uppsala universitet | 2 703 613 |
2023-02160 | Magnus | Karlsson | Utveckling av mikrobiella konsortia för biologisk bekämpning av sjukdomar på tomat | Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet | 3 000 000 |
Formas deltar i en global pilotutlysning tillsammans med forskningsfinansiärer från fyra kontinenter. Utlysningen syftar till att påskynda genomförandet av de globala hållbarhetsmålen genom att stödja implementering av pågående eller nyligen avslutade forsknings- och innovationsprojekt.
Tidsplan för utlysningen
- Sista dag Concept Notes 31 augusti 2022 till utlysningssekretariatet, NRF Sydafrika.
- Sista dag fullständig ansökan 10 maj 2023 till utlysningssekretariatet, NRF Sydafrika.
- Beslut december 2023.
- Tidigaste projektstart januari 2024.
Öppet webbinarium och matchmaking-event
Det nederländska forskningsrådet NWO, som är en av finansiärerna i utlysningen, anordnar ett öppet webbinarium och matchmaking-event den 28 juni klockan 10–12.
Här hittar du mer information om det öppna webbinariet och matchmaking-eventet:
Utlysningstext och ansökan
Läs mer och ansök hos National Research Foundation South Africa.
How do I apply to this call?
This is an international call that is being handled by the National Research Foundation South Africa (NRF). All documents (concept note, project description, CVs etc) have to be sent via NRF. The first step is to send a concept note to NRF call secretariat by the deadline of 31th of August. If your concept note is deemed eligible, you will be invited to send in a full proposal by January 20th 2023. For details on where and how to send in; see the full call for proposals: Länk till annan webbplats.
How do I know if my project is eligible?
It has to have been previously funded by Formas. It must be completed January 1st 2017 or later. It has to have lasted for a minimum of two years in order to be eligible (started no later than Jan 2020). The Swedish main applicant must have a PhD and be affiliated to a Swedish higher education institution, research institute, or government agency with a research assignment.
Do I have to send a concept note and full proposal to Formas also?
No, all documents relating to the proposal have to be sent to the NRF. If your project is funded, then you will be asked to send in a proposal via Prisma. You only need to send one concept note and eventually one full proposal per consortia. You must use the provided template for the concept note found on the NRF website. If your consortia is eligible to apply, you will be asked to submit a full proposal.
It says that one or more previously funded projects is a prerequisite to apply. Does the project have to build on the earlier Formas financed project?
To be eligible the Swedish main applicant needs to have a previously funded or ongoing Formas project. It must be completed before January 1st, 2017. It must have lasted for a minimum of two years to be eligible (started no later than 2020). The Swedish main applicant must have a PhD and be affiliated to a Swedish higher education institution, research institute, or government agency with a research assignment.
Is this just a good way to get more funding for an old project?
No. The call is meant to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs, through the implementation of results from ongoing or recently finalised research and innovation projects to advance knowledge-based achievement of the SDGs, from local to regional scale. The call is about finding concrete and implementable solutions to achieving the SDGs. The research and outcomes of the projects funded should lead to impact on society and improve the livelihoods of people on the ground.
How do I put together the right consortia?
You must have minimum 3 partners from the countries funding the call and these should be a mix of countries from the global North and the global South. You also have to include stakeholders outside of the research sector in the consortium (such as local authorities, communities, NGOs, i.e., relevant actors and stakeholders) that are a part of the consortium and are actively engaged in the project. Each country funding the call, has its own requirements listed in the national annex posted on the NRF website. Remember that the consortia have to be based on equitable partnership(s).
Let’s say we have consortia with 4 countries and one of the members does not pass admissibility check. In this case, can we maintain the consortia if the minimum numbers of members required (3 countries) is met?
As long as the minimum requirements (3 countries) are met, we’d just have to confirm with the consortium involved.
What does it mean when it says each funding agency will provide funds directly to their eligible applicants per consortia?
If your project is funded, then each member of the consortia will receive funding from its own country's research agency. Standard Formas rules for project budgets applies. You can apply for maximum SEK 3 million. However, the funds may partly be used to finance expenses for Swedish stakeholders or consortium partners outside Sweden. If funds is to be transferred from the administrating organisation to another organisation or be used to purchases services, it must be done in accordance with the administrating organisation´s guidelines.
How do I know if my project fits the topics for this call?
Please read the full call text carefully. Pay special attention to the Global Sustainable Development report “The Future is Now: Science for Achieving Sustainable Development“. Formas supports projects that fall within any of the six key "entry points" (challenges) described in the report within Formas arears of responsibility (environment, agricultural sciences and spatial planning).
I am a researcher from another country and am interested in finding partners in Sweden. How can I do that?
You can find all funded projects in the national database Swecris Länk till annan webbplats.. Formas is not allowed to give out contact information to project managers, but by using our project databank you will find the names of institutions and project managers. Note that all projects in the database are not eligible for this call.
Are you organizing any webinars in relations to this call?
Since this is a collaborative call, our partnering research agency in the Netherlands is organizing a webinar and matchmaking event on the 28th of June Länk till annan webbplats. from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST. You are welcome to join for the webinar and the matchmaking event!