Strategy for Formas’ role for forest-related research and innovation

In recent years, the many values of forests for society have been increasingly recognised, in Sweden, the EU and across the world. In addition, the use of forests is associated with an increasing complexity, and there are many different demands on forests from across society.

During the coming years, Formas aims to strengthen our efforts relating to forests, forestry and the forest sector, in accordance with a strategy for the area (accessible below) that we developed during 2024. The overarching goal of the strategy is to build a robust and multifaceted knowledge base. This can then help enable a wide range of potential future paths of development, both in policy and in practice.

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Strategy for Formas’ role for forest-related research and innovation

Author: Forskningsrådet Formas
Publisher: Forskningsrådet Formas
Published: June 2024
ISBN: 978-91-540-6213-3
Language: English

Four priority themes

Formas' strategy identifies four priority themes, which together form a framework of key thematic areas that will guide Formas' forest-related efforts and activities in the coming years. The priority themes are shown in the figure below. We see that a wide range of measures, crossing multiple disciplines, is essential across these priority themes. Aside from strengthening science and innovation around central questions, we will also work with science-to-policy measures, synthesis of existing research, and dialogue processes, in close collaboration with other research funders and actors in society.

Figure showing Formas' prioritized themes

Formas’ four priority themes for forest-related research and innovation.


Over the past few years, Formas has funded forest and forestry-related research with an average of around 125 million Swedish kronor per year. In addition, Formas also provides the research institute Skogforsk (the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden) with just over 50 million Swedish kronor per year through an annual envelope. Formas is also actively engaged in developing the upcoming Horizon Europe Partnership Forests and forestry for a sustainable future. The partnership will feature joint calls, as well as a range of activities, such as foresight processes, knowledge hubs, and science-to-policy activities. The first call is expected to open for applications during 2026, and the partnership will be the core of EU-funding for forest-related research during the coming seven years.

For more information

Åsa Frisk

Senior research Officer

Updated:24 June 2024