Evaluation of the Healthy Building

Key Action – Stage 2, 2001–2004
Besides open calls for research applications, Formas also funds coherent research programs in important areas. The building sector is of great importance to the Swedish economy and for the wellbeing of the Swedish population. Therefore, Formas has continued the Healthy Building Key Action Research Program, originally started by the former Swedish Council for Building Research in November 1997. The program has been aiming at providing the knowledge base for buildings to be designed in such a way that they do not give rise to, or aggravate, diseases or complaints. The first 3-year stage of the program for 1998–2000 was evaluated in April 2000.
The second and final 4-year stage of the research program (2001–2004) has been supported by Formas grants of 38.7 million SEK. Approximately the same amount has been provided by other sources. Stage 2 has now been evaluated, including an assessment of the goal achievements and the societal relevance of both stages.
Forskningsrådet FormasÅr: