Living cities - an anthology in urban environmental history

This book includes contributions to several branches of contemporary urban environmental history. Together the contributors cover a broad span of subjects, from urban environmental degradation to popular movements, from discourses to rules and regulations, and a wide range of historical subjects, from the medieval to the modern and post-modern city. 

The book is focused on particular case studies of individual cities or groups of cities. Thus, the chapters represent eleven case studies that to some degree reflect the present state of academic research. While the individual contributions treat separate aspects of urban environmental history, they all focus on the field’s larger themes; forces of urban change, environmental threats, environmental policies, and environmental discourses.

  • Författare:

    Mattias Legnér, Sven Lilja, m fl
  • Förlag:

    Forskningsrådet Formas
  • År:

  • ISBN:

    978 91 540 6048 1
  • Beteckning:

  • Sidor:

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Uppdaterad:7 februari 2019