Mobilisation for healthy
oceans and water
Strategic agenda for the national research programme on oceans and water.
Read the summary below or download the full report.
Published: 27 november 2023
Report: R13:2022
ISBN: 978-91-540-6173-0
Language: English

The national research programme on oceans and water provides a solid foundation for putting water issues high on the agenda and addressing water-related challenges. The programme came about through a government mandate to Formas. As one of thirteen national research programmes, it serves as an instrument for realising the government’s ambitious goals for addressing prioritised societal challenges through research and innovation. The programme will be implemented during the period 2021–2030. This strategic research agenda will be the basis for the programme’s direction and activities.
The programme has three thematic objectives:
- Strengthen the resilience of aquatic ecosystems
- Develop sustainable water resource management
- Boost society’s ability to take action for sustainable oceans and water.
The programme also has three cross-cutting perspectives that grant applicants are encouraged to consider in relation to these themes: a systems perspective, open science and participation, and from local to global.
In addition, the programme contains a number of objectives stemming from Formas’ mandate to establish the programme. In the area of oceans and water, the objectives of the mandate are as follows:
- Increase coordination of national research funding
- Leverage opportunities for synergies with the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation and the National Committee for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science
- Facilitate close collaboration between researchers and stakeholders, and support the translation of research into action
- Contribute to expertise in areas of major importance to society.
The programme is run with the support of a programme committee and a working group. Programme funding is distributed mainly through calls for proposals for research grants, innovation grants and grants for collaboration. The programme will carry out activities that translate research into action. Other activities will be carried out to monitor, and to link the programme to, international research funding. The programme will be followed up and evaluated during the course of the programme period.