Water for food

Water is essential for all food production in the world. It is therefore of the utmost importance that we learn to manage water resources better. A growing world population, rising world food prices, the impending climate changes and greatly increased investment in bioenergy crops on agricultural land threaten the realisation of the UN Millennial Goal of halving world poverty by 2015.
The situation is serious, but it is not impossible to deal with. In this publication, the fourth book of the Research Council Formas produced for World Water Week, researchers from several countries describe the extent of the water problem and set out proposals for its solution.
The three earlier produced books, are Water research - what´s next? (2004), Groundwater under threat (2005) and Dams under debate (2006).
Editor: Jonas Förare, Formas. Translator: Lewis GruberPublisher:
Forskningsrådet FormasYear:
978-91-540-6019-1/ISSN 1653-3003Lable:
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