Attractive cities

What is an "attractive city" and how can a city government make its city attractive? This book, written by economist Roland Andersson, answers these questions.The concept attractive city is difficult to define unambiguously. It can be filled with the most varying content depending on whom you ask. For many people an attractive city should be charming and full of soul, culture, pleasant and beautiful quarters, appealing surroundings to live in and it should be safe and secure. For most people the city that can offer work, prosperity and access to various goods and services, especially education, health care and transportation, is also attractive. Many also believe class differences should not be too great.
In this book Professor Andersson analyzes what can be meant by an attractive city and what the national and city governments can do to make a city attractive.
The book is written for municipal officials, politicians as well as employees, above all for those who are in charge of city planning. The book is also suitable for students of economics, architecture and engineering at universities and colleges.
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