Analysis of Environmental Research and strategy 2011-2016

Formas was tasked by the government to undertake a comprehensive review of environmental research, in consultation with the stakeholders funding this research, and to subsequently propose a national research strategy for the period spanning 2011–2016.
To illustrate the focus areas within environmental research the research grants were ordered in accordance with the 16 national environmental quality objectives. The analysis demonstrated that individual research funding bodies focus operations on one or more of the different environmental quality objectives, which means that several funding bodies are active within one and the same subject area. This generates flexibility and contributes to diversity, but imposes demands on good cooperation between the grant awarding bodies in Sweden.
The report is also available in Swedish "Analys av miljöforskningen och förslag till strategi 2011-2016"
Formas/Maria Nilsson och Kari StangePublisher:
Forskningsrådet FormasYear:
978-91-540-6059-7/ISSN 1653-3003Lable:
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