Planning in full swing for the 2020 annual open call
The opening date for applications to the annual open call for proposals is 27 February 2020. New for this year is our increased funding for early-career researchers. In addition, mobility grants will have a dedicated call, with two application deadlines per year.
Increased funding for early-career researchers
We are now providing increased funding, a long-awaited change, to early-career researchers. We are doing this by expanding the project duration from three to four years in the sub-call “Research projects for early-career researchers”. The extended project duration allows for full funding for a doctoral student, for example.
New call for mobility grants
Mobility grants for early-career researchers, which were previously part of our annual open call, will have their own call, with two application deadlines per year. This change enables recent graduates to apply closer to their dissertation date.
New for mobility grants is that awarded projects are also allocated a standard amount of 100,000 kronor per year to cover project costs. Dates and more information about the call for mobility grants will be available in the spring.
The 2020 annual open call in brief
What can you apply for?
You formulate your own question based on identified societal needs in the fields of environment, agricultural sciences and spatial planning.
Projects you can obtain funding for:
27 February: The call opens for applications.
16 April: The call closes for applications.
Stay up to date
More information about the 2020 annual open call will be available closer to the opening date. Check back on our website, subscribe to our newsletter (in Swedish) and follow us on Facebook External link., Linkedin External link. and Twitter External link..