Given decisions: 1.1 billion SEK to 316 projects
Today Formas' Scientific Council granted funds in 10 calls. You can find the decision lists on the web page of the call. 316 projects will be funded with a total of 1.1 billion SEK.
- Annual open call 2019 – Research and development projects
- Annual open call 2019 – Research and development projects for early-career researchers
- Annual open call 2019 – Mobility grants for early-career researchers
- Sustainable living environments: blue-green infrastructure, public spaces, and transport systems for everyone
- Increased mobility between academy and practice
- Visions and Conditions for a Fossil-Free Welfare Society
- Animal protection – and animal welfare promoting measures
- Research projects – Animal protection and animal welfare
- Digital transformation of the food system
- Circular economy for the whole society
Updated:20 November 2019