Current evidence syntheses


What is the effect on groundwater storage of restoring, constructing or draining wetlands? A systematic review

Wetlands are created for many reasons, but in recent years their hydrological effects have come more into focus. This review investigates how restoring, creating or draining wetlands affect the groundwater storage. The review synthesizes the available evidence and presents quantitative estimates. The review was published in December 2022.

How does wastewater affect aquatic organisms? A systematic review

Wastewater from municipal wastewater treatment plants often contain residues of various kinds of pollutants. How are aquatic organisms affected by wastewater purified by conventional techniques? Does it make any difference if the wastewater is purified with more sophisticated techniques than is commonly used in Sweden today? Formas will answer these questions in a systematic review.

How do selected crop rotations affect soil organic carbon in arable soils? A systematic review

Soils contain the largest terrestrial carbon pool globally and can provide a vital ecosystem service by acting as a carbon sink. However, soils may be sensitive to changes in land use and agricultural management practices. This systematic review critically appraise and synthesize all available research concerning selected crop rotations and their effect on soil organic carbon. The systematic review was published in Swedish in April 2021.

Read the Swedish report External link.

Soil retention of phosphorus from on-site wastewater treatment systems. A systematic map

Small wastewater treatment systems contribute to eutrophication of surface waters, due to the release of phosphorus. However, different chemical, physical and biological processes occurring in the soil inhibit the transport of phosphorus through the ground. This is called soil retention. It is unclear how effective soil retention of phosphorus is. The objective of this systematic map was to collect, code, organise and elucidate the relevant evidence related to the topic.

Read the Swedish report

In progress

What is the effect of giving the grazers access to additional nutrient sources on biodiversity in semi-natural pastures? A systematic review

This systematic review aims to find out how the biological diversity in natural pastures is affected by the grazing animals being given access to extra nutrition, either in the form of supplementary feeding, or by giving them access to more nutritious pastures within the same enclosure as the natural pastures.

What effect does mosquito control with Bti have on ecosystems? A systematic review

The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis (Bti) is used in many countries as a biologic larvicide to control mosquitoes and black flies. Bti is very effective against the target insects, but when these become fewer, other effects on the ecosystem can occur. Formas will critically appraise and analyse all available research, on such indirect effects on the environment, in a systematic review.

What is the effect of environmental adaptation or removal of small dams on biodiversity?

In this review we will investigate what the effects are on biodiversity of entirely removing or adapting small dams to comply with environmental standards. The question will focus on specific aspects of the issue and is of high relevance for current legislative changes associated with restoration and hydropower.

What are the effects of policy instruments targeting forest biodiversity?

A variety of policy instruments are used to preserve or increase biodiversity in forests. The purpose of this review is to assess how well these different policy instruments work based on criteria such as target fulfilment, cost-effectiveness, competitiveness, distributional effects, innovation, and more.

Updated:10 January 2025
Page manager: Erik Eriksson