Webinar: Forests’ Future Paths and Possibilities – Formas’ New Strategy and Upcoming Opportunities


The multiple benefits and values of forests and forestry for society have become an increasingly important issue in Sweden, the EU and globally. There are many expectations on the forest from different parts of society. This has led to increasing complexity and has also gradually created tensions around how the forest and forest raw materials should be used and managed.

In the coming years, we at Formas intend to strengthen and deepen our efforts relating to forests, forestry and forest-related value chains. We have developed a strategy based on an analysis of which efforts are most needed and where we can contribute best. For example, we will open a call for proposals later this autumn and participate in European partnerships.

Welcome to the webinar on November 5th, where we will present the new strategy and talk about upcoming initiatives relating to forests, forestry and forest-related value chains.

Program: Tuesday, November 5th, 14:00-15:20

The webinar begins with an inspirational presentation by Camilla Sandström, professor at Umeå University and member of Formas’ research council.

Then we will present:

  • The new strategy for Formas’ role for forest-related research and innoation, which will guide Formas’ efforts and activities in the area, both nationally and internationally, in the coming years.
  • Formas’ upcoming call for proposals, which opens later this autumn (2024). The call will preliminarily focus on the future and development of forests and the forest sector in a global context. We will go through the purpose and focus of the call, requirements for applicants, and what an application should contain.
  • International initiatives relating to forest, including the upcoming European partnership “Forests and Forestry for a Sustainable Future” within Horizon Europe External link..

Practical Information

The webinar will be held digitally via Zoom, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions. The presentations will be held in English, and questions can be asked in either Swedish or English.

No pre-registration is required. All you need to do is click the link below on November 5th at 14:00. The link leads to a Zoom webinar that starts just before the webinar begins. You need to enter your email address to join the webinar, but we do not save it or any other personal data.

Formas’ Strategy for Forest-Related Research and Innovation

In the coming years, we at Formas intend to deepen and strengthen our efforts for forest-related research and innovation. We have developed a strategy to guide our initiatives. The overall aim of Formas' efforts for forest-related research is to build and make available a comprehensive and robust knowledge base. The knowledge base should be able to support a variety of possible development paths both in practice and in policy.


Read more: Strategy for Formas’ role for forest-related research and innovation

Contact information:

Åsa Frisk

Senior Research Officer


More Information
Date: 5 November 2024
Time: 14:00 - 15:20
Place: Zoom
Updated:16 September 2024