Socially sustainable housing provision for all


Research and innovation projects that provide solutions that promote a socially sustainable housing provision for all.


Research practitioners, public organisations, companies (not sole proprietorships) and other organisations. Only multi-party applications with at least one party from a university, college, or research institute and at least one party from the business sector, the public sector or civil society can receive funding. At least one researcher who has completed a PhD must participate in the project.


You can apply for 2-year or 3-year projects with an annual grant of a maximum of 2 million kronor (SEK). The total budget for the call is 50 million kronor (SEK).

Given decision: 2023-06-16 11:00

Fund­ed pro­jects

Preliminary decisions. Please note that only decisions published in Prisma is a guarantee of granted funding.

Apply for research and innovation projects that offer fresh ideas as well as new approaches and solutions for achieving socially sustainable housing for all, that is accessible also to societal groups with less economic resources or that have special needs. To accomplish this requires cooperation among different stakeholders in the housing sector.

The call sits within the framework of the national research programme for sustainable spatial planning.The call relates primarily to the programme objective of sustainable housing for all.

Sweden is facing a series of challenges in providing socially sustainable housing for everyone, including societal groups with less economic resources or that have special needs. We are currently experiencing a widespread housing shortage, increased segregation, and deepening gaps both within and between urban and rural areas. High housing prices and rents, in addition to a shrinking percentage of rental apartments, make it difficult for various groups in society to gain access to secure housing in a good residential environment – and to be able to adapt their housing situation based on their own circumstances.

The challenges vary depending on where you look in Sweden. Sparsely populated areas, small towns or big cities all face their own set of hurdles.

What types of challenges are considered for the provision of socially sustainable housing also varies from a political perspective, with varying solutions as a result.

Formas has allocated 50 million kronor under this call for the period 2023–2025.

This call aims to explore and develop solutions that clearly contribute to a socially sustainable housing provision for all. Accomplishing this requires cooperation among different stakeholders in the housing sector.

The call welcomes research and innovation projects that, in a tangible way, investigate and propose how, for example, planning, financing, guidelines, regulations, collaboration, construction, renovation, design or use, can promote socially sustainable housing for all.

The call welcomes projects that advance the development of Swedish housing provision. This can be done by investigating both successful and failed cases, problematizing processes, or developing and testing new solutions. The projects should focus on how housing provision could be provided differently in order to achieve socially sustainable housing provision for all.

We especially welcome projects that offer fresh ways of thinking as well as new approaches and solutions. Such projects might test existing ideas or solutions in new ways or in new contexts, or develop novel solutions.

The projects can target any level, from local to national. You can also study international cases to learn key lessons that can be applied in a Swedish context.

Projects are encouraged to address challenges by testing and following up on new or alternative solutions, for example focusing on:

  • Forms of housing and tenure
  • Property management
  • Long-term solutions to structural or social homelessness
  • Societal groups with special needs
  • Child and gender perspectives
  • Space-efficient and flexible housing design
  • Vacancy chains
  • Policies and regulations, including investment aid, municipal land-use policies, and queuing systems
  • Economic models and values, including health economics
  • Models, data, and statistics on local and national housing needs
  • Democracy, gender equality and accessibility perspectives
  • Organisational, decision-making and accountability structures

Moreover, projects could involve analyses and solutions for:

  • How housing sector stakeholders can work together to lower the thresholds for people facing structural homelessness so that they can get access to safe, decent housing
  • How projects based on community-driven design and development or on co-housing can be promoted, initiated, and run, with a focus on societal groups with less economic resources or that have special needs
  • How the existing housing stock can be utilised to create affordable housing with good living environments
  • How solutions for socially sustainable housing can support other sustainability goals, such as climate impact, energy efficiency, gender equality, public health, and equal treatment.

The call is aimed at a wide range of stakeholders in the housing sector, such as municipalities, property owners, businesses and special interest organisations, non-profit organisations, and researchers from any discipline.

The call welcomes projects that bring together stakeholders from different areas of the housing sector and that involve collaboration across disciplines, sectors, or organisational types.

Only multi-party applications with at least one party from a university, college or research institute and at least one party from the business sector, the public sector or civil society can receive funding.

At least one participating researcher from a university, college or research institute must have completed their doctoral degree at the time the call closes.

Before you apply

All information about the contents of an application, the application process and the assessment process is described in the sections below.

Note that this application procedure and application form differ from Formas’ regular calls for research projects. Learn more under the heading “How to apply”.

Print-friendly version of the call External link.

Any changes to the call text will be listed below Revision history.

The main applying organisation (the coordinating party) must be able to receive and administer the funds Formas pays out to an awarded project. The organisation that will receive and administer the funds Formas pays out to an awarded project is called an administrating organisation.

Formas distinguishes between administrating organisations that can seek funds in all Formas calls, and administrating organisations that can be approved to receive funds in an individual call. The main applicant’s organisation must have an organisation account and be approved as an administrating organisation in one of these two forms.

Universities, colleges, government agencies with research assignments and most research institutes are approved as administrating organisations in all Formas calls. Most other organisations must be approved to receive funds for an individual project. See also “How to apply”.

Who can become an administrating organisation?

All projects seeking funding from Formas must have a responsible project manager and be carried out by the people listed in the application. The project manager must be affiliated with the main applying organisation (the coordinating party). The project manager does not need to be employed at this organisation but can be engaged as a consultant in the project.

Only multi-party applications with at least one party from a university, college, or research institute and at least one party from the business sector, the public sector, or civil society can receive funding.

A project party is defined as an organisation that actively participates in the project and is added as a project party in Prisma with associated costs stated in the budget field (see “How the main applicant fills in and checks the budget and other information”). This applies regardless of whether the organisation applies for a grant from Formas or participates in-kind. A consultant or subcontractor is not a project party.

Organisations without a Swedish corporate identity number cannot participate as a project party in this call. However, they can participate as consultants or be paid according to the project party’s guidelines and current legislation.

A maximum of five project parties may be included in the project, including the main applying organisation.

At least one participating researcher from a university, college, or research institute must have completed their doctoral degree at the time the call closes.

Private companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity that want to apply for a grant from Formas are subject to state aid rules. See also “State aid rules for companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity”.

When you apply for a project grant, you can apply for funding to cover both direct and indirect costs. Examples of direct costs are salary costs or other costs that are directly attributable to the project. Direct costs also include costs for any consultants or subcontractors. Indirect costs are costs that are shared with others in your organisation, such as for administration, IT and renting of premises. Indirect costs are sometimes called overhead.

You can apply for 2-year or 3-year projects (24 or 36 months) with an average maximum grant amount of 2 million kronor (SEK) per project year.

In other words, you can apply for a maximum of 4 million kronor for a 24-month project, and a maximum of 6 million kronor for a 36-month project. It is possible to apply for more than 2 million kronor a year, provided that the total grant amount you seek is not more than 2 million kronor per year, on an average.

The total budget can exceed 2 million kronor per year, on average, provided that the project receives funding elsewhere, for example via in-kind or self-funding.

Examples of how the budget for a 24-month project can be distributed:

Year 1

Year 2


Example 1




Example 2




Examples of how the budget for a 36-month project can be distributed:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3


Example 1





Example 2





Example of budget distribution for a project with in-kind funding:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3


Grant amount sought










Total budget





The project start (predefined) is 1 September 2023.

Applications with a different requested amount or a project duration that does not fall within the above range will be rejected.

This call does not require any specific co-funding level for the project as a whole.

Private companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity that want to apply for grants from Formas must follow specific regulations on state aid. The regulations are based on the principle of EU law, which states that aid to private enterprises normally distorts competition but that certain exemptions are allowed.

The aid intensity that Formas can offer depends on the size of the organisation and the type of activities in the project. The organisation’s size is assessed using the EU definition of small and medium-sized enterprises. Activities will primarily be assessed on the basis of Article 25 of the General Block Exemption Regulation EU 651/2014. Aid intensity depends on the eligibility and the size of the company; learn more in Aid intensities and definitions for grants under Formas’ aid scheme (in Swedish only) , 216.6 kB..

For more information, see State aid regulations.

De minimis aid

In the call, Formas may also apply Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union for de minimis aid. The maximum de minimis aid Formas can grant is 200,000 euros over three consecutive fiscal years. Read more about aid intensities in Aid intensities and definitions for grants under Formas’ aid scheme , 216.6 kB. (in Swedish only).

Formas may, if it becomes necessary, request a statement of de minimis aid External link. after an application is submitted.

Separate accounting and ancillary activities

Applicants engaged in both economic and non-economic activity, such as municipal companies or trade associations, must submit a statement of separate accounting and ancillary activities , 778.4 kB. at the time of application.

Sole proprietorships

Sole proprietorships cannot be awarded a grant under this call or participate as a party in projects that are applying in Formas’ calls. Any application where a sole proprietorship is a party will be rejected.

International organisations

Companies or other organisations engaged in economic activity that do not have a Swedish corporate identity number cannot be awarded a grant in this call, but can participate in-kind.

Private companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity that want to apply for grants from Formas must follow specific regulations on state aid. The regulations are based on the principle of EU law, which states that aid to private enterprises normally distorts competition but that certain exemptions are allowed.

Economic activity is usually defined in EU law as the sale of goods or services at a given price on some form of market.

Applicants engaged in both economic and non-economic activity, such as municipal companies or trade associations, must submit proof at the time of application (a statement of separate accounting and ancillary activities). The statement of proof must show that:

  • The organisation keeps costs, funding and revenues between economic and non-economic activity clearly separated. The purpose is to avoid cross-subsidisation of economic activity.


  • The organisation is regarded as almost exclusively non-economic and the economic part is purely ancillary. The regulations state that a purely ancillary economic activity must not exceed 20 percent of the organisation’s total annual capacity.

In order for the organisations concerned to receive funds in the call, a statement of proof that demonstrates fulfilment of at least one of the above criteria must be signed by a competent representative of the organisation. Further information and definitions can be found in the Framework for state aid for research, development and innovation 2014/C 198/01 External link. (see in particular points 2. and 2.1).

We recommend that you write your application in Swedish. The review panel members who will assess your application are from the Nordic countries.

If you write your application in English, a professional translator will translate into Swedish only the section describing the project. You will not be able to change the translation before the application proceeds to assessment. Your budget specification and CV will not be translated. So, write these in Swedish, even if you write the application and other sections in English and submit your application in the English version of our application system.

The popular science description must be written in Swedish, while the abstract should be in both Swedish and English.

According to Swedish law, your application and its appendices are considered as general public documents once they have been submitted to us. This means that anyone can request and read your application. Information can only be concealed if it is confidential as defined in the Public Access to Information and Confidentiality Act (2009:400).

Formas has limited possibilities to keep personal data confidential. Therefore, your application should not contain the personal data of anyone who is not included in the application.

The popular science description and project abstracts in Swedish and English will, if the project is awarded funding, be published in open-access project databases without a confidentiality review. Therefore, the contents of these fields should not contain sensitive information.

We at Formas are eager to fund projects that maximise positive and minimise negative impacts on the environment and climate. We therefore encourage grant applicants to design their projects so that collaboration takes place primarily through online meetings and that any necessary travel takes place in a climate-smart way. We also suggest that you include measures that minimise energy use and other resource consumption, emissions, and waste in project planning. However, this will not be part of the assessment of your application.

Please read about Formas’ own sustainability work.

Formas is tasked with working towards achieving a sustainable development of society. Crucial to such a development are equal opportunities and inclusion. We therefore encourage applicants to, to the extent possible, design the project so that it can provide knowledge that reflects and is relevant to different groups in society. We also encourage you to consider gender balance in the project team and including participants with different backgrounds and experiences.

How to apply

You apply for a grant in our application system, Prisma, where you add the information needed for your application.

Organisational applications

In this call, organisations apply for funding. Calls for organisations are only visible when logged onto the organisational account, which only the organisational account manager can do. Learn more about applying for grants on behalf of the organisation External link..

At the time of application, the organisation must have an organisation account. See more under “Organisation account”.

If the person who enters the information needed for the application does not have organisational permissions, they must have a personal account in Prisma and be invited to apply by the organisational account manager. See more under “Personal account”.

Who can register (submit) an application?

Only the person with organisational or organisation account permissions can register (submit) an application. So, make sure that the person who is authorised to register the application is available when the application must be submitted, in good time before the call closes.

Registering (submitting) the application before the call closes

Plan ahead and fill out your application well in advance before the call closes. If mandatory fields do not have the required information filled in when the application is submitted, it will not be possible to register the application. It is possible to register an application and then return to it later and register it again any number of times before the call closes. Once the call is closed, you cannot submit or add information to the application. No additions or post-registrations are allowed, unless specifically requested by Formas.

Organisation account

The organisation that will receive and administer the funds Formas pays out to an awarded project is called an administrating organisation in Formas’ application system. At the time of application, the organisation must have an organisation account.

Formas distinguishes between administrating organisations that can receive funds in all Formas calls, and administrating organisations that can be approved to receive funds in an individual call.

Administrating organisations approved for all Formas calls

Universities, colleges, most research institutes, and government agencies with research assignments are approved as administrating organisations for all Formas calls and already have an organisation account.

Administrating organisations who must be individually approved

Most other public and private organisations must be individually approved as administrating organisations in this call. These organisations must have an organisation account with Formas. If the organisation already has an account in Prisma, contact the responsible research officer Maria Rogell to add the organisation to the list of possible administrating organisations in the call. This applies even if the organisation has sought funding in other Formas calls.

If your organisation does not have an account in Prisma, an appropriate representative should apply for the organisation account on the Prisma website. Apply in good time before the call closes. We recommend that you do this before 1 February 2023. In the reason for the application, state that you are applying under Formas’ call Socially sustainable housing provision for all, and state the type of organisation and the organisation’s corporate identity number.

Apply for an organisation account in Prisma External link..

If you do not know whether your organisation has an account, contact our research officer Maria Rogell at

Project site - create a structure to describe the organisation

To be able to register an application, a project site (domicile) within the organisation must be specified. This can be an institute or a department, for example. The person who manages the organisation account must create a structure of units and subunits in two levels. If the organisation does not have departments, specify a subunit that has the same name as the organisation. For information on how to do this, see Prisma’s user support External link..

Personal account

If you do not have organisational permissions, you will need to be invited to participate in the application by the organisation account manager so that you can fill in the information in an application. To do this, you need a personal account in Prisma.

Apply for a personal account in Prisma External link..

All limits for the maximum number of characters refer to characters including spaces. We recommend that you choose the Arial font in font size 12 for the information you enter in all text boxes.

Your application must include a clear description of the project under the following sections:

Basic information

  • Number of months applied for (24 or 36).
  • Starting month: September 2023. The start date is predefined in Prisma and cannot be changed.
  • Project title in Swedish and English (max. 200 characters including spaces).
  • Popular science description in Swedish (max. 4,500 characters including spaces). The popular science descriptions for awarded projects will be published in open-access project databases without a confidentiality review. Therefore, the content of this field should not contain sensitive information.
  • Abstract in Swedish and English (max. 1,500 characters each, including spaces). The abstracts for awarded projects will be published in open-access project databases without a confidentiality review. Therefore, the content of this field should not contain sensitive information.

Project description

Depart from the call’s purpose and when writing the project description. The project description must clearly describe the project based on the assessment criteria under “How does the assessment process work?”. Address all the criteria in your application. The assessment criterion for ethical considerations is stated under a separate section (see “Ethical considerations”).

The project description should include the following information:

Relevance and societal impact (max. 8,000 characters including spaces)


  • Describe the background and context of the project so that also those who are unfamiliar with the area can understand the project and its relevance.
  • Describe and characterise the challenge or challenges the project addresses, any previously tested solutions and the lessons learned from them.

Purpose and goals

  • Describe the project’s purpose and goals and how they can contribute to fulfilling the purpose and focus of the call.

Societal impact

  • Describe the benefits to society the project can provide, in the shorter and longer term, and the societal groups it benefits.
  • Describe the potential of the project to offer new approaches or solutions, and how they are innovative.
  • Describe how and where the project’s results should be disseminated or scaled in order to achieve societal impact, and how the project will support this.

Participants and actors (max. 5,000 characters including spaces)

  • Describe and motivate the choice of project parties, and the project participants’ competencies, roles, and involvement in the project.
  • Describe how the project safeguards the interests of the project parties and end users.
  • Describe the composition of the project team and the distribution of influence among the different project participants, and reflect on how this promotes a gender-balanced, equitable and inclusive societal development.

Implementation (max. 12,000 characters including spaces)

  • Describe and motivate how the project will be carried out through, for example, work packages, activities, methods, work plan and time plan.
  • Clearly describe which project parties and project participants are active in which parts of the project.
  • Describe how gender equality, equity and diversity are integrated in the project implementation, including the plan for societal impact.

References (max. 5,000 characters including spaces)

List the references used to substantiate your project description. These can include research, publications, government inquiries, previous studies relevant to the project, and similar material. You yourself choose the format you will use to write your references.

Budget and other information

In Prisma, you state the project budget, funding, and other information about all the organisations participating in the application as parties. Note that you should write the budget specification in Swedish; any English budget specification will not be translated but will instead be assessed as is by the review panel.

In Prisma, write out the total amount you are applying for in kronor using digits. For example, 1 million kronor should be written as: 1 000 000 kronor.

The following information must be stated for each party in the project:

Information about the main applying organisation and each project party

This is mandatory information and must be completed for each party in the project. The information should be collected and filled in by the main applicant. The main applying organisation must be the same as the one specified as the administrating organisation. For detailed instructions, see “How the main applicant fills in and checks the budget and other information”.

  • Name of the organisation
  • Corporate identity number
  • Address, postal code, city, country
  • Annual turnover (the total sales or turnover of the higher education institution, research institute, company, or organisation during the previous fiscal year), stated using digits. Example: 3 500 000.
  • Balance sheet total (the sum of either the assets page or liabilities and equity from the company’s or organisation’s balance sheet), stated using digits. Example: 5 500 000.
  • Number of employees
  • Contact person
  • E-mail of contact person
  • Name of the workplace, address, postal code, city, and country where most of the work will be carried out.


  • Staff expenses: Eligible staff expenses for companies and other organisations conducting economic activity may be estimated at a maximum of 800 kronor per hour. Universities, colleges, or research institutes are not subject to this limitation. The amount that employees of universities, colleges, or research institutes may be awarded must not exceed 100% of full-time employment. So, someone who already has full salary funding from any funding source cannot receive additional salary funding. Researchers who are full-time pensioners cannot receive funding for their own salary.
  • Equipment, buildings, and land: The total maximum amount you can be granted for equipment and equipment depreciation costs is 500,000 kronor.
  • Consultancy and licensing costs: For the costs of consultancy services and licenses to be eligible for funding, they must be purchased or licensed from external actors at market prices, and their services and scope must be stated in the project description.
  • Other direct costs: Other direct costs can include the cost of consumables, travel, conferences and publication fees for open-access journals and databases.
  • Indirect costs: Higher education institutions and research institutes may charge a markup for indirect costs according to the applicable full-cost pricing method. Other project participants may charge a markup for indirect costs of up to 30 percent of their eligible staff expenses. Formas does not grant funds for overhead on costs that you write off for equipment or for premises.


There are four types of funding that can be stated for each party in the project:

  • Requested grant from Formas: Indicates the amount requested from Formas under the call. The annual amount sought cannot exceed the costs for each year. If the amount sought is less than the total costs, the remaining amounts will be automatically calculated and reported under “Self-funding”.
  • Other aid (state): If Formas or another public funder has provided funding for related projects.
  • Other aid (private): If another private company or organisation has provided funding for the project.
  • Self-funding: If the project party contributes its own funding, this is calculated automatically and displayed in the field for self-funding.

Justification of staff expenses in the budget (max. 500 characters including spaces)

Here, you specify the average hourly costs for budgeted staff expenses. Staff expenses refer to salaries including social security contributions and other mandatory charges associated with salaries.

Budget specification (max. 9,000 characters including spaces)

In their own words, the main applicant should explain the budget and state the overhead costs included in the application. Formas does not grant funding for overhead costs that you write off for equipment or premises.

Here, you also specify any consultancy costs and the scope of the consultant’s participation. Also specify which project participants will pay for the consultancy costs. The applicant is encouraged to clearly describe all costs related to the project activities.

Ethical considerations

You should specify whether or not there are specific ethical concerns in your project. If so, describe what these ethical concerns are and how you plan to manage them. Examples include research that handles sensitive personal data or research involving experiments on humans or animals.

If you are conducting research on people, human tissue or are handling sensitive personal data, you must obtain ethical approval from the Swedish Ethical Review Authority. If you are conducting an animal experiment, you also need to obtain ethical approval. You can apply for this approval through the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s online service.

You should state in your application whether you have obtained ethical approval or not. If you have not obtained such approval and you are awarded a grant, you must obtain it before the described research studies begin.

Even if you do not expect your research to involve ethical concerns, you should state this in your application and explain why not.


Formas uses the project’s classifications in analyses and supporting documentation on an overall level. The classifications are made when the applicant states the subject area, research topic (SCB code), at least one sustainable development goal the project can contribute to, and keywords.

  • Subject area
    Select the project’s subject area and add a sub-heading.
  • Research topic (SCB code)
    Select at least one research topic and two sublevels that together form the entire code.
  • Keywords
    Enter at least one and a maximum of three keywords describing the project.

Mandatory appendices

Project participants

List all project participants including their name, organisation, and role in the project. Save the document as a PDF file and upload under mandatory appendices in Prisma. You can only upload files in PDF format in Prisma.


The CVs of all project participants should be added to the application as a single PDF file (maximum size 4 MB). We recommend a maximum length of two A4 pages for each CV. Any list of publications should be integrated in the CV and contain a maximum of 10 publications.

Optional appendices

Illustrations, figures, and maps

You can, but are not required to, upload maps, figures, tables or illustrations that are relevant to the application. Upload these as single PDF in Prisma (max. 4 MB).

Statement of separate accounting and ancillary activities

This statement should be signed by an authorised representative of the organisation and then uploaded as a PDF in Prisma. Formas accepts e-signatures.

Letters of intent

Letters of intent from participating parties or other stakeholders can be attached to the application. Upload these as a single PDF in Prisma (max. 4 MB).

Coordinating project party

Fill in information about the coordinating project party

    1. Enter the company/organisation and the associated information for the organisation
    2. Indicate the workplace, the place where the main part of the project will be carried out, and the associated information for the workplace
    Zoom image

    Fill in the costs for the coordinating project party

    1. Click on Edit
    2. The columns for years come from the project time specified in Basic Information. Go back to Basic Information in your application if you want to edit this.
    3. Fill in costs for each type of cost and year.
    4. Click on Save and Close.
    5. Total costs are automatically calculated in the summary fields.
    Zoom image
    Zoom image
    Zoom image

    Fill in financing for coordinating project party

      1. Click on Edit
      2. Fill in the applied funding from Formas, per year
      3. If applicable, fill in other funding received from another public funder
      4. If applicable, fill in support received from another private financier
      5. Self-financing is calculated automatically based on what is stated in the cost and financing sections.
      6. Click on Save and Close.
      7. Total financing is calculated automatically in the aggregated fields.
      8. Enter the name of the funder if other funding (public or private) is received.
      9. Funding (aid) density is calculated automatically in percent.
      10. Degree of co-financing is calculated automatically in percent.
      11. In the motivation field, state how the average hourly cost for budgeted personnel costs has been calculated.
      Zoom image
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      Zoom image

      Project party

      Click on Add project party for the project party or the project parties that will participate in the project, in addition to the coordinating project party (administrating organisation).

      Zoom image

      Fill in the sections for information, budget and financing for each project party in the same way as described for the coordinating project party. See section Coordinating project party above. Information for the project parties is to be filled in regardless of whether the project party is applying for a grant, ie. financing, from Formas or not. If project parties do not apply for funding from Formas but only participate In-kind, budgeted project costs must be stated for these project parties but enter SEK "0" in the field "Applied funding from Formas" under financing for these project parties.

      Note that a subcontractor to the applicant does not constitute a project partner in the application.

      The project total specified costs and financing

      Following the budget charts for coordinating project party and other project parties, total specified cost of the project and total specified financing respectively are calculated automatically.

      Zoom image

      Control how you have completed the budget charts in good time before you register your application. Applications with incorrectly completed budgets may be rejected. Control all budget charts per project party including the coordinating project party and charts for Total specified costs and Total specified financing respectively as follows:

      • You have entered all project partners who participate in the project.
      • You have specified applied funding from Formas for all the project parties that intend to receive funding from Formas.
      • You have stated other funding for those project parties who, if applicable, have it.
      • You have the self-financing required by state aid regulations for companies and other organisations, where relevant.

      After submitting your application

      You can make changes to your registered application, de-register it and register it again up until the call closes at 14:00 CET on 7th of February 2023. After that, the status of your application will change from “registered” to “finally registered”. No changes can be made to a finally registered application. You are also not able to make any additions through, for example, an email or by phone. Your application will be assessed as is.

      Your finally registered application is automatically sent to the administrating organisation after the call is closed. The administrating organisation then has seven calendar days to digitally sign the application.

      First, Formas verifies that the application meets the formal requirements set out in the call. If the application does not meet these requirements, it is rejected.

      The following requirements will be verified in this call:

      • The focus of the application falls within Formas’ areas of responsibility.
      • The focus of the application falls within the call’s purpose and focus.
      • The application is complete and contains all mandatory information.
      • The requirements on project managers, project participants, project parties and organisations under “Applicant and organisation requirements” are met.
      • The requirements for the sought grant amount and project duration under “Grant amount and project duration” are met.

      All applications are assessed by an external review panel based on the contents of the application. It is therefore important to write the application as clearly as possible and include all important and relevant information. The review panel consists of active researchers and users of research results. Each application is read by four assessors from the panel.

      In this call, Formas will apply a portfolio perspective in order to fund projects that address a wide range of challenges and perspectives within the frames of the call. The portfolio perspective will be applied by the review panel only after each application has been assessed on its own merits.

      The applications are assessed based on the following criteria.


      • The project can significantly contribute to the purpose and focus of the call.
      • The design of the project and the expected results have taken into relevant consideration the needs and conditions of different groups in society.

      Societal impact

      • How project results will be turned into to societal impact is clearly described and is fit for purpose.
      • The project is innovative and has significant potential to provide new approaches and solutions.
      • The project has significant potential for scalability and/or dissemination.
      • The project has significant potential to promote an equitable and inclusive housing provision.

      Participants and actors

      • The project organisation and collective competence of the project group are suitable for implementing the project, including for achieving societal impact of the project results.
      • The project is carried out in collaboration with relevant stakeholders and end users, and safeguards their interests.


      • Planned activities and methods are appropriate for achieving the expected results.
      • The time frame and budget are realistic and appropriate in relation to the purpose and goals of the project.
      • Gender equality, equity and diversity are integrated in the project implementation, along with the plan for societal impact.
      • Ethical considerations are clearly described and the plan for managing them is appropriate.

      Decisions on which projects are granted funding are to be taken June 13, 2023. We publish our decisions the following day at the latest on the Formas website and later by email from Prisma. Grant award decisions cannot be appealed.

      All projects must submit financial and scientific reports to Formas within three months of the end of the grant availability period. For projects longer than 18 months, a financial statement must also be submitted to Formas annually. All reports are submitted in Prisma.

      Financial reporting in Prisma. , 187 kB.

      In addition to submitting final financial and scientific reports, in this call the awarded projects must also submit a policy brief summarising the project’s conclusions and making recommendations on how to develop Swedish housing provision so that it becomes more socially sustainable for all.

      Formas may set additional requirements on project reporting in terms of content and results in order to enable dissemination and real-world impact. In such cases, the award decision will contain more information about this.

      Awarded projects are expected to participate in seminars and dialogues with other projects funded through this call, as well as in conferences and networks within the framework of the national research programme for sustainable spatial planning, Formas may also set additional requirements for conference participation and similar in order to create synergies and platforms for learning and knowledge exchange.

      Results of research funded by Formas must be published using open access.

      You must also have a data management plan for the data produced in the project. This plan does not need to be submitted to Formas, but should be presented on request. By signing our grant terms and conditions, you certify that a data management plan will be available before the research begins and that it will be maintained.

      Open access to research results and data

      Formas shares information about awarded grants to SweCRIS External link., a national database of grant-funded research that was instituted by request of the government.

      Revision history

      Any post-publication revisions to the call text are listed below.


      A section has been added that clarifies the rules for organizations partly engaged in economic activity as well as when the appendix ”Intyg om separerad redovisning och underordnad verksamhet” (Statement of separate accounting and ancillary activities) should be used. The statement can be found in Prisma, under Optional appendencies.


      The text on organisational applications has been updated with more clear instruction and reference to the Prisma user manual.

      Contact information

      For questions about the content of the call

      Jon Loit

      Leave of absense

      For administrative questions and questions about Prisma

      Updated:16 June 2023