There is still time to respond to the impending crises resulting from climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Significant financial resources need to be mobilised while countering capital flows that hinder the transformation. The purpose of the call is to enable and promote financing and investments in a sustainable climate transformation by generating, expanding, and implementing new knowledge in collaboration with relevant societal actors and using a holistic approach.
Digital information meetings about the call
- Januari 13, 2025: Information meeting 1
Presentation in Swedish from the information meeting (pdf), 2.1 MB.
- March 26, 2025: Information meeting 2
The world needs to move away from investments that lead to high greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss. Financial flows need to contribute to a sustainable climate transformation. This may require changes to policies, regulations, and the behaviour of market participants. Legislation, norms, risk assessment, burden and responsibility sharing, and market conditions may also need to be changed. Several questions may need to be addressed in parallel and at multiple levels simultaneously – local, regional, national, and global. Changes may need to be coordinated within and between different sectors of society and developed and implemented both in the Global North and Global South.
In this call, we are looking for research projects which, in collaboration with relevant societal actors take a holistic approach and contribute new knowledge to enable and promote financing and investments for a sustainable climate transformation. Relevant societal actors can be actors in the financial sector (e.g. banks, insurance companies, asset managers, development banks), municipalities and regions, authorities, companies, and civil society organisations,
The main applicant organisation is to be a Swedish higher education institution or research institute. Only applications that involve at least one higher education institution or research institute and at least one other societal actor may be awarded funding. Parties outside of academia can access project funding in this call.
This call is an initiative in the framework of the National Research Programme on Climate and is a part of the implementation of its strategic research agenda Knowledge for a Climate Transformation External link..
There is still time to respond to the impending crises resulting from climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Significant financial resources are needed to act and implement the sustainable climate transformation. Currently, however, global, national, regional, and local capital flows mainly through traditional channels created by the existing system.
Most parts of society are dependent in various ways on the financial sector, and similarly the financial sector is affected by most other sectors of society. Conditions for the climate transformation is linked to the financial sector in several ways, where competitiveness and profitability are vital for investments and financing in most companies. While there are new initiatives and efforts to make the financial sector a driving force in the climate transformation, a more fundamental shift in financing and investment at multiple levels may be needed to enable and drive a sustainable climate transformation.
A number of stakeholders have identified the need for changes to capital flows. In September 2024, the opening of the UN General Assembly emphasised the need to reform the international financial architecture so it fits current needs and realities. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) writes in its synthesis report from 2023 that there is enough global capital to bridge the global investment gaps to achieve climate targets, but barriers remain to redirecting capital toward climate measures. These include both institutional and regulatory barriers and market entry barriers. Many stakeholders highlight the links between climate change, climate adaptation, and biodiversity and the advantages of addressing these jointly. Redistributing capital to promote biodiversity is crucial for a sustainable climate transformation.
The EU and others have developed various regulations linked to the financial sector, focusing mainly on reporting and transparency requirements. Methods are being developed and data are generated to support this. Meanwhile, accessible reliable and prioritised data that accelerate the transformation are needed while also seeing the bigger picture and acting to achieve real world impacts. This could involve prioritising resources to produce specific data or focusing on certain regions with significant biodiversity issues or on specific actors that contribute excessively to climate impacts. Access to different perspectives on risk, risk assessment, and risk management are important. This includes systemic risks.
The purpose of the call is to enable and promote financing and investments in a sustainable climate transformation by generating, expanding, and implementing new knowledge in collaboration with relevant societal actors and using a holistic approach.
Existing and future financial flows and investment patterns need to promote and accelerate the sustainable climate transformation. This may require changes to policies, regulations, the behaviour of market participants, and other aspects. Legislation, norms, risk assessment, burden and responsibility sharing, and market conditions may also need to change. This will require addressing several questions in parallel and at multiple levels simultaneously (local, regional, national, and global). Changes may need to be coordinated within and between different sectors of society, and developed and implemented in the Global North and Global South.
Projects can focus on a specific sector of importance for the climate transformation, but they can also have a broader approach and focus on such issues as institutional frameworks, business models, or policy instruments. Projects should take a holistic approach, which could mean considering entire or several different value chains to address crucial issues and possible synergies and co-benefits. Projects can traverse both geographical and sectoral boundaries. Consistency between parallel policy and decision-making processes in both the public and private sectors and at multiple levels can be addressed in projects, including how to remove bottlenecks and other barriers and to manage conflicting objectives at local, regional, national, and global levels.
Over time, the portfolio of funded projects is expected to help develop and support policy and decision-making at multiple levels, thereby promoting the allocation of capital for a sustainable climate transformation while preventing capital flows that counteract the transformation. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to climate change, and preserving and increasing biodiversity are key elements of a sustainable climate transformation. These issues should be addressed as a group to avoid solutions that create new, or exacerbate existing, sustainability problems. Other factors, such as social and cultural values, can also be considered in this comprehensive perspective.
The results from the projects are expected to enable changes that can facilitate financing and investments for a sustainable climate transformation. As a whole, the call can facilitate reassessing definitions and practices linked to risk assessment and division of responsibilities. It can also facilitate making prioritised and reliable data accessible, which enables more actors to develop relevant strategies, measures, and reporting. Project portfolio results provide experience and analysis relevant for developing new business models and transformation plans and financial instruments to support these.
Projects should incorporate the views of societal actors on what is needed to promote investments for a sustainable climate transformation and actively work to implement and make knowledge and results come into use both during and after the project. Knowledge and practices developed in projects should be the result of collaboration between researchers (within different disciplines) and societal actors. Communication initiatives and efforts to ensure real-world impact from the project are to be clearly described in the application.
Parties outside of academia can access project funding in this call.
We anticipate that projects will need to include researchers from different disciplines to encompass and integrate multiple perspectives. Collaboration is also to involve parties outside of academia. Projects do not need to be limited to Swedish conditions or Swedish stakeholders.
Applicants are encouraged to plan their project to reduce its climate footprint. More information is available under “Environmental considerations when planning your project”.
Projects that are solely aimed at the development of technologies or materials will not be funded. Research projects that are deemed to be outside the call’s purpose and focus cannot be awarded funding and will be rejected before being reviewed. Determining whether an application falls within the scope of the call is based on the complete application. This means that these types of determinations are only made once the call is closed.
The call is aimed at researching institutions (higher education institutions or research institutes), companies (not sole proprietorships), public organisations at various levels (municipalities, regions, and authorities) and other organisations.
The main applicant is to be a Swedish higher education institution or research institute. The application is to include at least two project parties: at least one from a higher education institution or research institute and at least one from outside of academia. In this call, organisations outside of academia can also apply for grants from Formas.
International collaboration:
With regard to international collaboration, only foreign higher education institutions or state research institutes can take part of Formas' funding in this call. Companies, civil society or other non-academic actors from a country other than Sweden, which do not have a Swedish organisation number, cannot take part of funding. They may participate in-kind, where applicable. Foreign organisations who have a share of the project budget (also in-kind) and will actively participate in the project can be part of the application as a project party. The research is to be initiated and led from Sweden. The administrating organisation is to be in Sweden and approved by Formas. It is responsible for hiring any necessary foreign staff and reimbursing costs for activities or services outside Sweden, as per the administrating organisation’s guidelines. Foreign participation is to be well defined and carefully explained in the project application.
Exceptions – research collaboration with Russia and Belarus:
Due to the war in Ukraine, funds will not be awarded for projects involving research cooperation with state or federal research institutions in Russia and Belarus.
Private companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity that want to apply for a grant from Formas are subject to State aid rules for companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity External link..
Only applications with a main applicant (coordinating project party) from a higher education institution or research institute and at least one project party from another type of organisation can be funded, but we expect that in most cases projects will need to include additional participants for successful implementation.
The project team can consist of a maximum of six project parties, including the main applicant. In collaboration with relevant societal actors, the project will take a holistic approach aimed at enabling and facilitating financing and investments in a sustainable climate transformation. Various types of societal actors are crucial for incorporating relevant perspectives early in the project and thereby facilitating the implementation and achieving real-world impact of the results during and after the project period. Societal actors can be involved in different ways. They can be a more committed and active project party with a clear share of the project budget, or they can participate in reference groups, workshops, and in other ways without being a project party. For example, they can actors in the financial sector (e.g. banks, insurance companies, asset managers, development banks), municipalities and regional authorities, public agencies, companies, or civil society organisations. Collaboration with actors in the financial sector or with actors who have a clear connection to finance is a prerequisite for projects, but applicants must explain the type and degree of collaboration that best enables the project to succeed.
In addition to collaboration with relevant societal actors, we expect a successful project will include researchers from different disciplines and research fields. Applicants propose a project team and a project design that is appropriate for the question you are tackling. You are responsible for explaining the role and relevance of the project participants to the given question.
To be considered a project party, the organisation must be included as an active party in the project plan and the project budget must clearly identify which costs from the party in question will be covered through a Formas grant, their own funds, other funding, or a combination of these. An active project party should have a reasonable share of the project budget. After notice of awarded funding, the project parties must individually sign a written commitment to implement the project as per the Formas decision for funding. Before the initial payment of grant funds, all project parties must have submitted their signed commitments on time along with any additionally requested information.
Formas strives for an equitable, gender-balanced, and inclusive development of society. Applicants should design their projects to allow the results to benefit a diverse range of people and groups in society. Appointment of the project team should consider gender balance and different backgrounds among its members. However, this is not part of the assessment of your application.
During the project, Formas intends to bring the participants together to share experiences and results and to establish bridges between the projects and to relevant societal actors. Awarded projects are expected to participate in these activities. Costs for travel and time incurred in connection with these meetings is to be included in the project’s budget.
To be able to submit the project application, the main applicant (the project manager) is to have a personal account in Prisma (create a personal account in Prisma External link.). The main applicant is to have a doctoral degree by the closing date of the call. This call does not permit a main applicant to submit more than one application.
Before you apply
The Enabling financing and investments for a sustainable climate transformation call does not permit submitting the same application with different main applicants. All finally registered applications with the same content will be rejected.
The main applicant (project manager) may only submit one application in the Enabling financing and investments for a sustainable climate transformation call. It is, however, permitted to participate in multiple applications as long as the applicant’s total salary, spread across the projects, does not exceed 100% funding.
A main applicant (project manager) may simultaneously have an ongoing project grant from another Formas call as long as the applicant’s total salary, spread across the different projects, does not exceed 100% funding.
Any post-publication revisions to the call text are listed in the section Revision history.
The main applicant organisation must be able to receive and administer the funds paid by Formas to an awarded project. The organisation that receives and administers the funds paid by Formas to awarded applications is called the administrating organisation. In this call, we welcome higher education institutions and research institutes as administrating organisations. Other organisations are welcome to apply in the call as project parties.
Private companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity that want to apply for a grant from Formas are subject to State aid rules for companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity.
Note that sole proprietorships cannot be awarded a grant under this call or participate as a party in projects applying for grants in Formas calls.
Companies or other non-academic actors that do not have a Swedish organisation number may not receive funding in this call, but in some cases they may participate in kind.
All projects applying for funding from Formas must have a responsible project manager and be conducted by the individuals listed in the application. The project manager is to be linked to the main applicant (coordinating) party, which is the administrating organisation, and is to have a PhD by the close of the call.
Project constellation and project parties
There are to be at least two (2) project parties, including the main applicant organisation, which is called the coordinating party and is the administrating organisation. The project team is to include at least one organisation conducting research (higher education institution or research institute) and at least one other type of organisation. Other types of organisations could be actors in the financial sector (e.g. banks, insurance companies, asset managers, development banks), municipalities and regional authorities, public agencies, companies, or civil society organisations.
When applying for project funding, you can apply for both direct and indirect costs. Direct costs, also called operating costs, are costs that would not have arisen if the project had not been conducted: staff expenses, costs for equipment, buildings and land, costs for consultants and licenses, and other direct costs. Indirect costs are costs that are not the immediate result of the project but that are still related to it, such as for administration, IT. Indirect costs are also called overhead costs or general expenses. The grant must be clearly linked to the project you wish to fund and must be used to fund activities that are not part of regular activities.
More information about costs eligible for funding by Formas:
Our grants are covered by state aid rules. These rules govern both what kind of costs and what proportion of these costs we can fund. This is determined individually for each organisation. This is why we distinguish between the maximum size of a grant the project can receive and how much each participating project party can receive.
The grant amount that each participating project party can receive depends primarily on:
- The activities, organisation, and size of the party
- The activities conducted by the party in the project.
Rules for organisations conducting non-economic activities
Organisations that conduct non-economic activities may apply for funds in the call and receive full cost coverage in the project. Public organisations, such as higher education institutions, municipalities, regional authorities, and public agencies, are usually considered as organisations that conduct non-economic activities.
Rules for organisations conducting some economic activities
A project party conducting both economic and non-economic activities and that intends to apply for a grant from Formas must keep the different activities clearly separate through separate reporting. It is crucial to keep costs and funding of the different activities separate and that the recipient project party does not use results from activities conducted within the framework of Formas-funded non-economic activities in its economic activities. Thus, for Formas to be able to grant this project party support in the form of financing within the framework of its non-economic activities, the applicant project party must certify that its non-economic activities are kept clearly separate from any economic activities and that the project for which funding is sought will to be conducted within its non-economic part of the organisation.
For applicants conducting both economic and non-economic activities, for example research institutes, municipal companies, and civil society organisations, and who in the call intend to participate through their non-economic part of the activity, Formas requires a statement of separate accounting or ancillary activities. As part of its administration, if judged necessary, Formas may also request a statement of separate accounting or ancillary activities for projects.
The Statement of separate accounting or ancillary economical activities , 57.8 kB. (Swedish), certifying one of the criteria below, is signed by the organisation’s authorised representative and attached to the application.
The statement is to certify that:
- A relevant project party differentiates between costs, financing, and income from such activities that are of an economic or non-economic nature. The project party does this so that cross-subsidisation of economic activities cannot occur. Grants received in the project will only go to the non-economical part of your organisation.
- An organisation is a research organisation, with the main mission of conducting independent research. The economic part of the organisation is ancillary to the non-economic part. This means that the economic part constitutes a maximum of 20 per cent of the annual capacity for your organisation’s research activities.
State aid rules for companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity
State aid rules apply when Formas provides grants to companies and others exclusively engaged in economic activity. The rules are intended to protect competition in the EU’s internal market.
In this call, Formas will primarily apply Article 25 of the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) (EU Regulation No. 651/2014). In this call, Formas assesses that projects will fall within the category “Industrial research”. When the support is based on GBER, the aid intensity depends on the type of project and the size of the organisation.
In this call, companies and other organisations that conduct economic activities can apply for and receive grants corresponding to a maximum of 50% of their eligible costs, regardless of the size of the organisation.
Each project party is responsible for ensuring that the received funding does not exceed aid intensity allowed by this call.
Applicants for state aid should be aware that a condition for granting Formas funding is that the grant recipient consents to public notification of the aid, known as transparency reporting. This applies for each decision of state aid over EUR 100,000 to a project party (or EUR 10,000 if it concerns primary agricultural production or the fisheries and aquaculture sector). Public notification of aid above these amount limits must be given within the EU. As the aid provider, Formas is responsible for this transparency report. The person submitting an application consents to public notification to allow adherence to the requirements for transparency reporting aid decisions above the applicable amount limits.
Before making a decision, Formas performs credit checks on companies and other organisations engaged in economic activities that may be eligible for funding.
You can read more about the state aid rules that apply to Formas grants at:
De minimis aid
In the call, Formas can also apply Commission Regulation (EU) No. 2023/2831 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid, also known as lesser aid or aid of minor importance External link.. Total de minimis aid to a company may not exceed a maximum limit of €300,000 for a period of three years. When calculating the cap, all support of minor importance that the company has received from various public aid providers (state, region or municipality) during the three-year period must be totalled. If a company is part of a group, the €300,000 (approximately SEK 3 million) cap applies to the entire group. Any entity that, regardless of its legal form, conducts economic activities with or without profit, such as economic associations, non-profit associations, foundations, and limited liability companies, is counted as a company. The amount refers to the gross amount, that is, before deductions for tax or other charges. The aid may have been granted in the form of a cash sum or in another form. Aid in other forms is calculated using a gross grant equivalent, for example aid in the form of loans, must be calculated on the basis of the market interest rates that applied when the loan was granted. If the aid cap of €300,000 is exceeded, repayment of the aid will be required. Read more about aid intensities in Aid intensities and definitions for grants under Formas’ aid scheme, 297 KB
, 297 kB. (Swedish).
For project parties exclusively engaged in economic activities and that intend to apply for a Formas grant with de minimis aid, a statement of de minimis aid must be attached to the application by filling in the template for the statement and signed by an authorised representative of the organisation. Formas’ statement of de minimis aid External link. The document is then scanned and uploaded as a PDF in Prisma. Formas may also request a statement of de minimis aid for projects where this is relevant.
How do you determine if an organisation is engaged in economic activity?
One of the mandatory criteria for a measure to count as state aid is that the recipient of the aid is a “company”, as defined by the company criterion External link.. The legal state aid definition of a company is that it is an entity that conducts economic activity regardless of its legal status and regardless of how the activity is financed – that is, whether it is public or private, or whether it has a profit motive. An economic activity is any activity consisting of offering some form of goods and services on a market and any awarded aid is considered state aid.
You should write your application in English, since an international review panel will assess it. If you do write your application in Swedish, a professional translator will only translate into English the section describing the project work itself. You will not be able to review or change the translation before the application proceeds to assessment in the review panel. However, the popular science description must be written in Swedish, while the abstract is to be in both Swedish and English. Your budget specification and CV will not be translated.
According to Swedish law, your application and its appendices are considered general public documents once they have been submitted to us. This means that anyone can request and read your application. Information can only be concealed if it is confidential as defined in the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400).
Formas is limited in its ability to designate personal data as confidential. For this reason, your application should not contain the personal data of anyone who is not included in the application.
If the project is awarded funding, the popular science description and project abstracts in Swedish and English will be published in open-access project databases without a confidentiality review. For this reason, the contents of these fields should not include sensitive information.
We currently see no problems if you use AI as an aid when formulating your application. However, it is important that you are aware that the responsibility for fulfilling the commitments you make in the application lies with you as the applicant. As the applicant, you are responsible for ensuring that the content of both the application and the project plan is correct and that the research is carried out as described. You certify this when registering your application. As the applicant, you are to follow good research practices, which means that plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication of content in the applicant may not occur.
Formas is committed to funding projects that maximise positive and minimise negative impact on the environment and climate. As such, we encourage grant applicants to design their projects to enable primarily online collaboration and that any necessary travel minimises climate impact. We also suggest that your project planning includes measures that minimise energy use and other resource consumption, emissions, and waste. However, this is not part of the assessment of your application.
Read about Sustainability at Formas.
How to apply
Grant applications are filled in and submitted in our application system, Prisma. Enter the necessary information for your application there.
Personal account
The main applicant who fills in the necessary information and registers the application must have a personal account in Prisma.
Apply for a personal account in Prisma External link.
Organisation account
The organisation that will receive and administer the funds Formas awards to a project is called an administrating organisation in Prisma, the Formas application system. The organisation must have an organisation account at the time of application.
Formas draws a distinction between administrating organisations that can receive funding in all Formas calls and administrating organisations that can be approved to receive funding for an individual project.
Higher education institutions and most research institutes are approved as administrating organisations for all Formas calls and already have organisation accounts. Participating organisations, known as project parties, do not need to have an organisation account in Prisma for this call.
All limits for the maximum number of characters refer to characters including spaces. We recommend that you use the Arial font in font size 12 for the information you enter in all text boxes.
Note that if you write your application using a word processor and then paste the text into Prisma, formatting might be lost.
Upload tables and figures with advanced formatting or formulas as an attachment in PDF format (max 4 MB) to prevent the loss of important information contained in formatting.
The application is to include a clear description of the project using the following sections:
Basic information
- Applied for number of years 5 years
- Start month 1 December 2025. Note that the project’s start date is set by default and cannot be changed.
- Project title in Swedish and English (200 characters including spaces)
- Popular science description in Swedish (max. 4,500 characters including spaces). The popular science description for awarded projects will be published in open-access project databases without a confidentiality assessment. As such, the contents of this field should not include sensitive information.
- Abstract in Swedish and English (max. 1,500 characters each, including spaces). The abstracts of granted projects will be published in open-access project databases without a confidentiality assessment. For this reason, the contents of these fields should not include sensitive information.
Project description
Read the background text and the purpose and focus of the call carefully.
The application is assessed based on the information provided in it. For this reason, it is important that it address all the assessment criteria under “How does the assessment process work?”.
If you want to attach images, tables, figures, etc. to the application, these must be uploaded as a PDF attachment (max. 4 MB) (see under “Attachments” below). Attaching such files is optional.
The following parts are to be described in the application:
Project’s relevance and potential (max 12,000 characters including spaces)
- Describe the context of the project and why the project is important from a broader perspective. This gives the Swedish and international reviewers a solid understanding of the project and how it relates to different areas of society.
- Present the problems and challenges being addressed by the project and explain the project’s relevancy and novelty in relation to previous and ongoing research, as well as relevant policy and practice.
Purpose and goals
- Describe how the project can contribute to the purpose and focus of the call.
- Describe how the design of the project considers the relevant needs and circumstances of different groups in society.
- Describe the objectives and expected impacts of the project in the short and long term, including an impact logic that clarifies how planned activities (research, collaboration, real-world impact, etc.) lead to goal attainment.
Knowledge advancement and expected benefit
- Describe the scientific value of the project, i.e. how expected research results compare to the current state of knowledge and contribute to cutting-edge advances in knowledge.
- Describe how the project’s expected results are scalable and can be useful in practice.
Implementation (max. 12,000 characters, including spaces)
- Describe the project and explain how it will be conducted using, for example, work packages, activities, methods, work plan, and schedule.
- Describe and explain the interdisciplinary approach.
- Describe and justify how the project plans for collaboration between project parties in the design, implementation, and achieving real-world impact of research results.
- Describe how results will be disseminated and implemented, including appropriate activities during the project.
- Reflect on how risks can affect the project’s implementation, schedule, and budget, how likely such risks are, and how you will manage these if they arise.
Organisation (max. 5,000 characters, including spaces)
- Describe and explain your composition of project parties based on their qualifications, roles, and participation in the project.
- Describe how the perspectives, competences, and interests of project parties outside of academia and other relevant societal actors are leveraged in the project.
List of references (max. 5,000 characters, including spaces)
- List the in-line references pertaining to the above sections in a separate field.
Budget and other information
Report the project costs, financing, and other information about all organisations participating in the application in Prisma. Note that the budget and budget specification should be written in English. A Swedish budget specification will not be translated but will instead be assessed as is by the international review panel. In Prisma, write out the sum you are applying for in full, i.e., write SEK 1 million as: SEK 1,000,000.
In this call, companies and other organisations that conduct economic activities can apply for and be awarded grants corresponding to a maximum of 50% of their eligible costs. See section “State aid rules for companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity”.
The following information must be stated in the project budget:
Information about the main applicant’s organisation and each project party
This is required information and must be completed for each party in the project. The information is collected and added by the main applicant. The main applicant’s organisation must be the same as the one stated as the administrating organisation.
- Name of the organisation
- Organisation number
- Address, postal code, city, country
- Annual turnover (the total sales or turnover of the higher education institution, research institute, company, or organisation during the previous fiscal year, stated in digits. Example: 3,500,000)
- Balance sheet total (the sum of either the assets page or liabilities and equity from the company’s or organisation’s balance sheet, stated in digits. Example: 5,500,000)
- Number of employees
- Contact person
- Email address to contact person
- Name of the workplace, address, postal code, city, and country where most of the work will be carried out.
- Personnel costs for researchers, technicians, and other staff to the extent they work with the project. For employees of higher education institutions or research institutes, the amount may never exceed 100 per cent of full-time employment. This also means that an individual that already has full salary funding from another funding organisation may not receive additional salary funding. Researchers who are full-time pensioners cannot receive funding for their own salary.
- Equipment, buildings, and land costs are eligible to the extent and for the duration of their use in the project. If such instruments and equipment are not used for the project for their full life, only the depreciation costs corresponding to the life of the research project, as calculated on the basis of good accounting practice, are considered as eligible. With regard to buildings, only the depreciation costs corresponding to the life of the research project, as calculated on the basis of good accounting practice, are considered as eligible. For land, costs of commercial transfer or actually incurred capital costs are eligible.
- Costs for consultants, licenses, etc., which are purchased or hired from external sources on market terms and costs for consulting services and similar services used exclusively for research activities.
- Other operating costs, such as costs for materials, inputs, and similar products, which arise as a direct result of a project. Other operating costs also include travel, conferences, and publication in open access journals and databases. Formas only awards funding for certain author fees. Read more under the section Costs for publishing.
- Indirect costs (overhead): Higher education institutions and research institutes may charge a markup for indirect costs according to the applicable full-cost pricing method. Other project parties may charge a markup for indirect costs of up to 30 per cent of their eligible personnel costs. Formas does not grant funds for overhead on costs written off for equipment or for premises.
An application can specify four types of funding:
- Applied funding from Formas: Indicates the amount requested from Formas under the call. This amount cannot exceed total costs. If the applied for amount is less than the total costs, the remaining amount will be automatically calculated and reported under “Self-funding”.
- Other funding (state): If Formas or another public funder has provided funding for related projects.
- Other funding (private): If another private company or organisation has provided funding for the project.
- Self-financing: If the project party contributes its own funding, this is calculated automatically and displayed in this field.
Explanation for budgeted personnel costs
Specify the average hourly cost for budgeted personnel costs. This refers to salaries including social security contributions and other required charges associated with salaries. (max. 500 characters, including spaces).
Budget specification
Here, the main applicant explains the budget in words. State the overhead costs that apply in the application here. Formas does not grant funding for overhead costs written off for equipment or premises.
Also indicate any consultancy costs and the scope of the consultant’s participation. Specify which project parties will pay for the consultancy costs. You are encouraged to clearly describe all costs related to the project activities within the project. (max. 9,000 characters, including spaces).
Statement of de minimis aid
Project parties who conduct economic activities and who intend to apply for de minimis aid must report that the aid cap for de minimis aid is not exceeded. All aid considered as de minimis aid must be added together. Aid other than that granted under the de minimis rules is not counted. By signing, the company certifies that, in addition to the current aid, the company has not received additional de minimis aid than that reported above during the last three years. If the aid cap is exceeded, repayment of the aid will be required. The statement is signed by an authorised representative of the organisation and then uploaded as a combined PDF in Prisma (max. 4 MB). Formas accepts e-signatures. Formas’ statement of de minimis aid , 68.6 kB.
Statement for organisations that conduct some economic activities
Project parties that conduct some economic activities and that intend to apply for non-state aid must certify that they intend to participate through their non-economic activities. The statement is signed by an authorised representative of the organisation and then uploaded as a PDF in Prisma (max. 4 MB). Formas accepts e-signatures. Statement on separate accounting or ancillary economical activities External link. (Swedish)
Indicate whether the project includes special ethical concerns. Describe what these ethical issues are and how you plan to address them. This can include research that uses personal data or research that involves human or animal experiments.
If you will be conducting research on humans, human tissue, or sensitive personal data, you must submit an application for ethical review to the Swedish Ethical Review Authority and have it approved. If your research involves experiments on animals, you must also have approval from an animal research ethics committee. You can apply for this through the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s e-services.
Indicate in your application whether you have a valid ethical approval or not. If you do not have one and your application is granted funding, you are to obtain ethical approval before starting the part of the research that requires this approval.
If your research is not expected to involve activities requiring ethics approval, state this and explain how and why.
Formas uses the project’s classifications in analyses and supporting documentation on an overall level. The classifications are made when the applicant states the subject area, research topic (SCB code), at least one sustainable development goal the project can contribute to, and keywords.
- Subject area
Select the project’s subject area and add a subheading.
- Research topic (SCB code)
Select at least one research topic and two sublevels that together form the entire code.
- Sustainable development goals
Select at least one and up to three sustainable development goals (SDGs) the project can help to achieve, in order of relevance.
More about the meaning of the goalsExternal link. (Swedish).
- Keywords
List at least one and at most three keywords describing the project.
Administrating organisation – the organisation receiving the grant
The organisation that will receive and administer the awarded funds paid out by Formas is called the administrating organisation.
- Select the administrating organisation from the dropdown list.
- Select project site from the dropdown list.
Project participants
List of project participants
List all key persons (project participants including project manager) with their name, organisation, role, and working time in the project. Save the document as a PDF (max 4 MB) and upload it under required attachments in Prisma. You can only upload files in PDF format in Prisma.
Attach CVs including relevant qualifications for the people listed as key persons as a combined PDF in Prisma (max 10 MB). Recommended length per CV is maximum two A4 pages. The CVs are to provide relevant information demonstrating the key persons’ qualifications and skills that are important in the project. This can include experience from relevant research, implementations, collaborations, and project management.
Each CV should contain the following headings:
- Name
- Gender
- Organisation
- Title
- Role in the project
- Relevant skills and experience
- Explanation for why this is a key person
- Other
In this call, researchers at generally approved administrating organisations (approved for all Formas calls) cannot link to CV information that is already entered in Prisma. This is to allow a fair assessment of applications and CVs. However, the project manager must retrieve information about their doctoral thesis from Prisma.
List of publications
Participating researchers list up to ten of their most relevant publications. The publication list is uploaded as a combined PDF in Prisma (max. 4 MB).
Illustrations, figures, tables
Though not required, you may upload figures, tables, and illustrations that are relevant to the application. Upload these as a combined PDF in Prisma (max. 4 MB).
Letters of intent or other documentation that proves collaborations should not be attached. Collaborations only need to be explained in the project description.
How the main applicant is to fill in and scrutinises the budget and other information
Coordinating project party
Fill in information about the coordinating project party
- Specify the company/organisation and associated information
- List the workplace, the place where the main part of the project will be conducted, and the associated information for the workplace
Fill in the costs for the coordinating project party
- Click Edit
- The columns for years come from the project time specified in Basic Information.
- Fill in costs for each type of cost and year.
- Save and close the window.
- Total costs are calculated automatically in the summation fields.
Fill in funding for the coordinating project party
- Click Edit
- Fill in the applied funding from Formas, per year
- Fill in any other funding received from other public funding organisations
- Fill in eventual funding received from private funding financier
- Self-financing is calculated automatically based on what is entered in the cost and financing sections.
- Save and close the window.
- Total financing is calculated automatically in the aggregated fields.
- Specify the funding organisation’s name if other funding has been awarded.
- Funding intensity is calculated automatically in per cent.
- Co-funding level is calculated automatically in per cent.
- In the budget justification field, explain how the average hourly cost for the budgeted staff expenses has been calculated.
Project party
Click on Add project party for the project party or parties that will participate, in addition to the coordinating project party (administrating organisation).
Fill in the sections for information, budget, and financing for each project party in the same way as described for the coordinating project party. See the Coordinating project party section above. Information for the project parties is to be filled in regardless of whether the project party is applying for a grant, i.e. funding from Formas or not. If project parties do not apply for funding from Formas and instead only participate in-kind, state the budgeted project costs for these project parties but enter SEK "0" in the field “Applied for funding from Formas” under Funding for these project parties. Note that subcontractors to the applicant are not project partners in the application.
Project costs and funding
The total specified cost of the project and total specified funding respectively are calculated automatically below following the budget charts for the coordinating project party and other project parties.
Double check how you filled in the budget tables well in advance of registering your application. Applications with incorrectly filled in budgets may be rejected. Check the following for all budget tables per project party, including coordinating project party and tables for project costs and project funding, respectively, which combine totals from tables per project party:
- You have added all project partners participating in the project.
- You have specified the amount of funding applied for from Formas for all the project parties that intend to receive funding from Formas.
- You have stated other funding for those project parties that have other funding.
- You have the self-funding required by state aid regulations for companies and other organisations, where relevant.
After submitting your application
You can make changes to your registered application (unregister and re-register it) until the call closes at 14:00 CET on Tuesday 29 April 2025. After this, the status of your application will change from “registered” to “finally registered”. No additions or submission are allowed (unless specifically requested by Formas) after this deadline. When the call closes, the finally registered version of your application is automatically sent to the administrating organisation.
Note: the application needs to be digitally signed in Prisma by the administrating organisation within seven calendar days after the call has closed.
Initially, Formas verifies that the application meets the procedural requirements set out in the call. If the application does not meet these requirements, it is rejected.
For this call, the following requirements will be checked:
- The administrating organisation has signed the application. This must be done within seven calendar days after the call closes.
- The application has been approved by the administrating organisation.
- The focus of the application is within Formas’ areas of responsibility.
- The focus of the application falls within the call’s areas.
- The application complies with the framework of the call regarding budget, project time, type of project parties, number of project parties, etc.
- The application is complete and contains all required information.
- Multiple applications with the same content have not been submitted.
- A main applicant responsible for other projects or activities funded by Formas has submitted all requested reports by the stated deadlines.
All applications are assessed by an external review panel and only based on what is described in the application. This means it is important for the application to include all relevant information and for the content to be as clear as possible. The review panel consists of active researchers and users of research results, i.e. individuals who are experts and who work in the public or private sector. Each application is reviewed by multiple reviewers.
In this call, Formas may apply a portfolio perspective to enable, in the call as a whole, funding of projects that address a wide range of sectors, challenges, and perspectives. The portfolio perspective can only be applied by the review panel after each application has been assessed on its own merits.
Applications are assessed based on the following criteria:
The applications are assessed based on the following criteria on a scale of 1–7, where 1 is the lowest and 7 is the highest. All assessment criteria are to be addressed in the application, and applicants must clearly relate the application to these criteria. All criteria are equally important.
- The project can significantly contribute to the purpose and focus of the call, which is both explained in the text and clarified in the presented impact logic.
- The design of the project gives relevant consideration to the challenges, needs, and circumstances of different groups.
- The project’s expected results have significant scientific value.
- The interdisciplinary approach is based on a relevant combination of disciplines and research fields.
- The project has significant potential to have a concrete impact with bearing on the purpose of the call.
- The project has significant potential for scalability and dissemination.
- Planned activities and methods are appropriate.
- The schedule and budget are realistic and appropriate.
- The plan for ensuring the project’s results have real-world impact is well described and appropriate, and there is a reasonable budget post for this.
- Ethical considerations are well described, and the plan for how to manage these is appropriate.
- The project’s organisation and overall competence of the project team are clearly explained and appropriate, including real-world impact of the project’s results.
- The project is conducted in collaboration with relevant societal actors, and participation by actors outside of academia is well explained and appropriate.
Our reviewers may currently not use AI tools as support in assessing applications. The are several reasons for this. There is a great risk that information uploaded could be disseminated. There is also a risk related to confidentiality and the processing of personal data. Uploading an application or information from an application to any form of AI tool constitutes the unauthorised sharing of information. This applies not just to AI tools but also to other services and tools for storing and sharing data.
Formas expects to decide which projects are awarded grants on 21 October 2025. We publish our decisions the following day at the latest on the Formas website, and you will receive an email informing you that the decision is available in Prisma. Grant award decisions cannot be appealed.
All awarded projects must submit a report to Formas containing financial and project results within three months of the end of the grant grace period. For projects longer than 18 months, a financial statement must also be submitted to Formas annually. All reports are submitted in Prisma.
Financial reporting in Prisma , 187 kB. (Swedish)
A progress report is to be submitted in Prisma after 36 months. Formas may have requirements for how to report projects regarding content and results to facilitate dissemination and real-world impact. In such cases, the award decision (with associated terms and conditions) will include more information about this. Formas may also require you to participate in meetings, conferences, and similar events to create synergies and platforms for learning and knowledge sharing.
Results of research funded by Formas must be published using open access.
You must also have a data management plan for the data produced in the project. If you receive Formas funding, you are to draw up a data management plan. The plan should not be sent into us, but you should be able to present the plan upon request. By signing our grant terms and conditions, you certify that a data management plan will be in place before the research begins and that it will be maintained.
Formas shares information about awarded grants with Swecris, a national database of grant-funded research that was instituted by request of the government.
Support and shortcuts
Revision history
Any post-publication revisions to the call text are listed below.
2025-01-16: New text in the paragraph about international collaboration in the section "Who can apply under this call".
2025-01-16: Clarification about the type of organisation that may receive funding in the call, inte the section "Applicant and organisation requirements"
Contact information
For questions about the content of the call

For administrative questions and questions about Prisma