The call is to contribute to the sustainable development of our built environment through projects that use digitalisation as a central component and as a tool for improved sustainability in spatial planning in terms of processes, their results, and the built environment. Applications may address processes, forms of collaboration, business models, and technology. The purpose of the call is to increase the pace of the digital transformation via activities involving stakeholders from throughout the value chain, from planning to long-term administration of the spatial planning.
Projects should address at least one of the four thematic areas; see Smart Built Environment Thematic Areas External link.. The projects are to contribute to achieving the impacts and goals identified within the programme’s impact logic; see Smart Built Environmental Impact Logic 3.0 External link. (Swedish).
The administrating organisation is to be a Swedish organisation and at least one project party is to come from the business sector or public sector, with a clear goal of testing and using the solution that the project intends to develop. Each project party is to be a legal entity with a unique organisation number.
The project’s organisation is to be designed with gender equality in mind. State how the project can contribute to improved equality in the problem areas and effects of the solution. See the Smart Built Environment Equality Guide (Swedish) External link..
The call includes funding of approx. SEK 40 million plus a co-funding requirement for each project as a whole of at least 50 per cent of the project cost.
Society is undergoing a digital transformation that is already impacting processes and organisations in the spatial planning sector. This sector comprises a large number of organisations, around 250,000, that are an important part of the transformation to a sustainable society.
The strategic innovation programme Smart Built Environment is a platform for organisations in the spatial planning sector, giving them the opportunity to catalyse development together. Smart Built Environment focuses on all processes and activities required to plan, build, and administer physical spatial plannings (infrastructure, buildings, facilities, and cultural and natural environments). Further, the programme focuses on how the spatial planning sector can use digitalisation and/or industrial approaches and processes to increase the pace of this transformation. How can organisations in the sector contribute to achieving society’s goals for reduced greenhouse gas emissions, create conditions for more efficient use and reuse of materials, help society adapt to changes in the climate that are already apparent now and in the future, and simultaneously create attractive living environments (that consider equality/gender equality)? Equality is an important aspect of spatial planning with regard to problem analysis, setting goals, and participating in/influencing planning, production and management. The projects in the programme can contribute to improved equality through their results and inclusive approaches to achieve a more equal society. Equality and gender equality are also integral to how Smart Built Environment is led and governed through the composition of the board and programme management.
To handle the major challenges faced by spatial planning, the sector must increase the pace of transformation to new methods and approaches. Digitalisation and industrial processes are important facilitators, for example by contributing to more efficient use of resources, reducing the number of dangerous steps, speeding up processes for obtaining building permits and zoning approvals, improving decision-making support with the analysis of more solutions, and being able to choose good products quickly. The necessary changes take time to achieve. As such, an important part of this process is implementing and scaling up many of the results and solutions already in development or available as prototypes. Disseminating knowledge, sharing experiences, and taking a long-term perspective on the change process are all essential in this respect.
The digital transformation of society is happening quickly, while the processes that are currently available for spatial planning take a relatively long time. New forms of collaboration, new value chains and business models, and new roles and organisational structures are necessary for truly benefiting from new technology, the digital transformation, and sustainable industrial processes.
Through the Smart Built Environment programme, Formas, Vinnova, and the Swedish Energy Agency are funding projects that use digital transformation and/or industrial processes to contribute to more sustainable spatial planning. Applications are to address the impacts in the programme’s impact logic. Applications should present if and how the project can contribute to improved equality in spatial planning. The aim of the programme is to help more stakeholders develop their innovative capacity and achieve creative solutions that contribute to the overarching vision and goals of the programme. The digital transformation of spatial planning is occurring nationally and internationally. An international perspective and knowledge acquisition internationally are desirable and should be components of the projects where relevant.
Project applications should include a clear plan or description of the requirements for long-term development or management of the results after the project’s conclusion. If the project is expected to lead to a result that is ready for use, then the application should briefly describe which player or players are the intended recipients and how the results are intended to be applied. If the project results are expected to need continued development, then the application should include a plan laying out which player or players are expected to drive that process forward.
The section “How the assessment process works” describes the assessment criteria for applications.
The call includes all four of the programme’s thematic areas, at least one of which should be addressed. The thematic areas are briefly described below. More information about the thematic areas and previous projects awarded funding in each area can be found on the programme’s website External link.:
Innovations and new applications
Applications addressing the thematic area “Innovations and new applications” describe ideas and initiatives that can be developed into innovations and new applications of products, services, or processes in the built environment. This theme area focuses on breaking out of ingrained patterns and approaches and finding new solutions and approaches for organising and collaborating in the industry.
Value chains and business models
The thematic area “Value chains and business models” focuses on how value chains, incentives, and business models need developing to leverage the potential of digitalisation and industrialisation. With the digital transformation of the spatial planning sector as a starting point, the area addresses issues connected to how roles, approaches, organisation, governance, and leadership of organisations, projects, and processes are developed and changed. These questions are closely linked to how digital innovations in the thematic area “Innovations and new applications” enable new business models. It is important to consider the interplay between different stakeholders in value chains with applications in the spatial planning sector, as changes to value generation impact interactions and business relationships among stakeholders, including the development of completely new forms of collaboration.
Information infrastructure
This thematic area addresses the mutual information infrastructure that the sector needs for digital and industrial development. The area includes standardisation of data sharing and information integration into the processes of spatial planning, including information structures for life-cycle perspectives and issues of access to and ownership of data.
International collaboration is also gaining importance, especially with the development of collaborative value ecosystems throughout the built environment. Legal questions related to land parcelling, zoning, and building permits and procurement and contract frameworks for optimum use of digitalisation are also included. This thematic area is addressed by applications that involve tests of developed information infrastructures or of identified standards in real-life environments. Rapid developments in AI mean require special attention to safety and ethics.
Knowledge and expertise
Additional knowledge is necessary to leverage the potential of the digital transformation in companies and the public sector. This thematic area is to contribute to improving knowledge and expertise at management level and in operations among companies and the public sector. The area is also connected to how new knowledge can be generated and utilised. This area includes applications that involve compilations and syntheses, for example that provide a basis for further testing in operations and for training initiatives. Project applications containing skills-enhancing initiatives beyond strictly training initiatives are also included here, such as support for small and medium-sized enterprises to digitalise their operations.
Two main types of projects can be funded in this call. Applicants are to clearly address one of these types:
Research, development, or innovation projects
Projects focused on research, development, or innovation within the programme areas, preferably aiming for disruptive change to the structures of the built environment. This might involve:
- Projects that involve different degrees of applied research or development, or with a focus on innovation. Research projects can be run as PhD projects or by senior researchers.
- Skills development projects demonstrating examples of innovation in knowledge enhancement, with activities that contribute to reaching the large number of stakeholders and businesses in the spatial planning sector. Preferably, this serves to complement traditional training.
- Testbed and demonstration projects in which virtual or physical environments are created to demonstrate research results and development projects, e.g., from previous projects in the programme. We are particularly interested in applications pertaining to system demonstrators, in which several previous results are demonstrated in a single environment.
Continuation projects
Projects that use results and insights from completed or ongoing Smart Built Environment projects. This might involve:
- projects that address identified directions or initiatives in developed strategies and action plans;
- projects about building structures to bring together stakeholders in the sector around long-term management of a project result or identified area;
- initiatives for implementing the results of completed or ongoing projects for application or increased commercialisation.
The call is for companies, the public sector, higher education institutions, and research institutes. The application must have at least two parties. At least one of the participating parties should be from the business or public sector.
All interested organisations and companies, as defined above, are welcome to apply, preferably in collaboration with new partners. Consortia, including start-ups that can contribute to the development of new approaches, business models, and new technology, and stakeholders such as property owners, municipalities, or construction companies, are especially encouraged.
International project participants are welcome, as their inclusion can lay the groundwork for future mutual collaborations and exchanges of knowledge. They can contribute time or other resources by co-funding the project. However, non-Swedish stakeholders may not receive funding from Formas in this call.
Smart Built Environment and Formas are working to promote equal and inclusive societal development. Applicants should therefore design their project so the results can benefit people of diverse backgrounds or enable greater equality in living environments. The composition of project teams should consider gender distribution and different backgrounds. Consideration should be given not only to the number of people but also to the division of power and influence in the project.
Before you apply
The coordinating party should be a Swedish organisation, i.e., a legal entity linked to an organisation number. Sole proprietorships cannot be awarded funding, which means that applications including a sole proprietor will be rejected.
The coordinating party must be able to receive and administer the funds paid by Formas to an approved project. Formas draws a distinction between administrating organisations that can receive funding in all Formas calls and administrating organisations that can be approved to receive funding in an individual call. The coordinating party must be approved as one of these two forms of administrating organisation. See “How to apply” for more information.
Projects applying for funding from Formas must be led by a project manager. The project is to be carried out by the individuals identified in the application. Submitting the same application with a different lead agency is not allowed. Applications with the same content will be rejected.
Companies that do not have a Swedish organisation number may not receive funding in this call, but in some cases they may participate in kind.
The co-funding requirement from project applicants is at least 50 per cent of the total project budget. Companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity and that want to apply for funding from Formas are covered by state aid rules; see State aid rules for companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity.
At least two organisations are to participate in the project as project parties, at least one of which should be from the business or public sector. It is up to the project to assemble the most suitable project team, which can influence assessment of the criteria implementation and stakeholders (see explanation of these assessment criteria under “How the assessment process works”).
Companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity that receive funding from Formas are covered by state aid rules. These rules are based on the main principle of EU law that state aid to private enterprises normally distorts competition but that certain exceptions are allowed, including support for research, development, and innovation. This call for proposals is based on two regulations on support:
- Article 25 in the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER regulation 651/2014)
- the provisions on de minimis aid from Commission Regulation (EU regulation 1407/2013)
More information on state aid rules is available on the Formas website: State aid rules External link.. This call grants state aid primarily under the “industrial research” category for aid as per Article 25 GBER. The aid intensity (level) depends on the support basis and the company size.
Read more about aid intensity as per Formas’ aid scheme here: Aid intensity as per Formas’ aid scheme External link. (Swedish):
Prior to a decision, Formas conducts credit checks of all companies and organisations engaged in economic activity that might be awarded funding.
The aid intensity that Formas can provide depends on the size of the organisation and type of activities under the project. Organisation size is assessed using the EU definition of small and medium-sized enterprises. Activities are assessed based primarily on Article 25, Industrial research, in the General Block Exemption Regulation EU 651/2014. Aid intensity depends on the eligibility and the size of the company; read more in Aid intensities and definitions for grants under Formas’ aid scheme External link. (Swedish).
For the parties applying for grants as per GBER, Formas has a transparency responsibility to register the grant with the EU Commission if it exceeds EUR 100,000 or for grant recipients active in primary agricultural production or within the fishery and aquaculture sectors if the amount exceeds EUR 10,000. By submitting the application, the parties covered by the transparency reporting requirement are considered to have given their consent to the transparency reporting that will occur if the grant is awarded.
Formas can also grant aid in small amounts as per the provisions on de minimis aid. Information on the provisions on de minimis aid, Regulation (EU) 1407/2013, and the grant conditions covering companies and other organisations engaged in economic activity can be found on Formas’ website.
For parties applying for de minimis aid, the application is to include a certificate on previously received de minimis aid. This certificate is available on Formas’ website under State aid rules External link.. The certificate should state the scope of de minimis aid received, including the amount applied for in the call. It should list aid received in the previous three years. Organisations should report that collectively, the de minimis aid received in this period does not exceed EUR 300,000, approximately SEK 3 million (see p. 12 Formas’ legal bases and aid intensity (PDF) External link. (Swedish).
- Personnel costs: Eligible personnel costs may total actual personnel costs. There is no upper limit.
- Equipment, land, and buildings.
- Costs for consultants, licences, etc.
- Other direct costs, including travel.
- Indirect costs: Overhead (OH) costs. Higher education institutions and research institutes may charge a markup for indirect costs according to the applicable full-cost pricing method. Other project participants that conduct economic activity and that apply for state aid in the project, may charge a markup for indirect costs of up to 30 per cent of their eligible personnel costs.
The total budget for the call is approximately SEK 40 million. Applicants to this call may apply for funding between SEK 500,000 and SEK 4 million. The co-funding requirement from project applicants is at least 50 per cent of the total project budget. For example, a project with a total of SEK 2 million in costs may apply for a grant of SEK 1 million maximum.
Research, development, and innovation projects may run for 12–36 months. Project start is to be 1 June 2025. Projects must conclude by 31 May 2028.
Applications with a different requested amount or a project duration that does not fall within the above range will be rejected.
Projects have a three-month grace period after the end of the official project time. The grace period is a specified period of time after the formal conclusion of the project in which unused funding may be allocated, allowing the project to run beyond its approved deadline.
For projects with a duration of 18 months or more, a periodic financial report is to be submitted annually. The form for this report opens each year on 1 January and the project manager has three months to submit the report.
At the end of the grace period, the project manager has three additional months to submit a final financial and scientific report using a template provided by Formas.
We recommend writing the application in Swedish, as the panel that will assess your application speaks Swedish. You may write the application in English, but it will not be translated into Swedish for assessment. Include the project summary in both Swedish and English.
According to Swedish law, your application (including attachments) is considered a public document once it has been received by Formas. This means that anyone may request to see it. Before disclosing applications, Formas always conducts a confidentiality assessment but may only redact information as legislated for in the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400).
Formas is limited in its ability to designate personal data as confidential. For this reason, your application should not contain the personal data of anyone who is not included in the application. You should also avoid writing sensitive personal information in the application, both concerning yourself and others.
If the project is awarded funding, the popular science description and project abstracts in Swedish and English will be published in open-access project databases without a confidentiality review. For this reason, the contents of these fields should not include sensitive information. These texts are intended for use by Smart Built Environment’s programme office in external communication about the project.
For the project partners conducting economic activity, the applicant may indicate whether any part of the application is covered by business confidentiality as per Chapter 30, Section 223 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act. Specify the economic damage that could occur for the party if the information is made public upon a freedom of information request for public documents. Upon a freedom of information request to Formas for a public document, Formas conducts an assessment in each case of whether the documents can be released in part or in whole while adhering to applicable confidentiality rules.
Formas currently does not limit your use of AI as support in formulating the application. You also do not need to indicate whether you have used AI. As the applicant, however, you are responsible for ensuring that the content of the application is correct. You certify this when registering your application. As the applicant, you are also to follow the principles for good research practice, which means that plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication of content in the applicant may not occur.
Formas is committed to funding projects that maximise positive and minimise negative impact on the environment and climate. As such, we encourage grant applicants to design their projects to enable primarily online collaboration and that any necessary travel minimises climate impact. We also suggest that your project planning includes measures that minimise energy use and other resource consumption, emissions, and waste. However, this is not part of the assessment of your application.
Read about Sustainability at Formas External link..
Equality refers to gender equality, equal treatment, and diversity. Spatial planning can involve considerations of how and by whom living environments will be used to ensure the fair allocation of spaces and resources and to foster gender equality and diversity among participants in planning, influencing, decision-making, and implementation.
As such, you can integrate a gender equality perspective based on the project activities and/or results. It is also important for gender equality and equal treatment to characterise the organisation of the project.
Read more in the Smart Built Environment gender equality guide External link. (Swedish).
How to apply
Formas has improved the application process and support system for this call. Please read the instructions carefully, even if you have applied for Smart Built Environment funding before.
Grant applications are filled in and submitted in our application system, Prisma. Enter the necessary information for your application there.
Organisation account
The call is listed under your organisation account in Prisma.
Organisation calls are only visible when you log in to your organisation account. First click the organisation account tab. Then click the calls for organisations link. Use Prisma’s user manual for instructions on how to find the call in Prisma.
Finding the call in Prisma
The coordinating party is responsible for all administration in Prisma and is to be identified consistently as the coordinator/administrating organisation in the application.
The organisation that will receive and allocate funds paid by Formas if the project is awarded funding is called the administrating organisation in Formas’ application system, Prisma.
The organisation must have an organisation account at the time of application.
Formas draws a distinction between administrating organisations that can receive funding in all Formas calls and administrating organisations that can be approved to receive funding for an individual project.
Applicants from administrating organisations approved for all Formas calls
Higher education institutions, most research institutes, and government agencies tasked with conducting research are approved as administrating organisations for all Formas calls and already have organisation accounts.
Applicants from administrating organisations requiring individual approval
Most other public and private organisations require individual approval as administrating organisations in this call. These organisations must have an organisation account with Formas. If the organisation already has a Prisma account, contact the responsible research officer, Anna Gellerstedt (, to have the organisation added to the list of possible administrating organisations in the call. Include your organisation number in your email, even if your organisation was approved as an administrating organisation in a previous Formas call.
If your organisation does not have an account in Prisma, an appropriate representative (organisation account supervisor) should apply for an organisation account on the Prisma website. Apply well in advance, but no later than 31 January 2025.
Apply for an organisation account in Prisma External link.
Tick the box for Formas and fill in the “Reason for applying” box, write that you are applying for an organisation account because you want to apply under the Smart Built Environment call, the type of your organisation, and the organisation number.
If you are unsure whether the organisation has an account, contact Research Officer Anna Gellerstedt ( before you apply for a new account.
Initiate the application through the organisation account of the coordinating party. The responsible party for the organisation account will automatically be designated project manager. To change this designation, the responsible party can invite another party to be project manager. If someone else will be project manager, that person must have a personal account in Prisma. If the responsible party for the organisation account will be project manager, no personal account needs to be connected to the application.
Find more information on the Prisma support page External link.
Project site
To register an application, a project site in the organisation must be identified. The organisation must have at least one project site in its organisational structure. The term “project site” refers to the section/department/unit within the organisation that is applying. Project site information is required when submitting the application.
The organisation account coordinator must build a structure of divisions and sub-divisions (project sites) at two levels. Do so using the drop-down menus for Administrating organisation and Project site. The project sites that the applicant can select are from the organisational structure through the settings created by the organisation account manager in the organisation account.
If the organisation has no departments, then enter a sub-division with the same name as the organisation. Information on how this is done can be found in Prisma’s user manual.
Describe what your organisation looks like (create a structure) External link.
All limits for the maximum number of characters refer to characters including spaces. One recommendation is to use the font Arial with font size 12 for the information entered in all text boxes.
The application is to include a clear description of the project using the following sections:
Basic information
- Number of months applied for.
- Start month (Project start on 1 June 2025)
- Estimated project duration: Project time is calculated automatically in Prisma based on the start date and number of months entered.
- Project title in Swedish and English (200 characters including spaces)
- For what type of project are you applying for funding?
- Research, development, or innovation project, or
- Continuation project
- Sub-focus: Identify the primary thematic area or areas within Smart Built Environment that the project will contribute to. At least one thematic area must be specified:
- Innovations and new areas of applications;
- Knowledge and competence;
- Information infrastructure;
- Value chains and business models
Read more about the thematic areas in Smart Built Environment Thematic Areas External link..
- Popular science description in Swedish (4,500 characters including spaces). If the application is successful, the popular science description will be published in open-access project databases without a confidentiality assessment. As such, the contents of this field should not include sensitive information.
- Popular science description in English (4,500 characters including spaces).
- Summary in Swedish and English (2,000 characters each, including spaces). If the project is awarded funding, the project summaries will be published in open project databases without being assessed for confidentiality. For this reason, the contents of these fields should not include sensitive information.
Project description
No more than 20 pages. Download a template for the project description , 59.3 kB..
The project description is uploaded as a file (max. size of 4 MB). Do not include a budget in the project description.
Read the background text and the purpose and focus of the call carefully. Note the assessment criteria under “How the assessment process works” before entering the description. Address all of the criteria in your application.
The project description should clearly describe the project based on the assessment criteria under “How the assessment process works”.
Maximum 2 pages. This section of the application is optional. It can be used to list references that support your project description. Upload the reference list as a file no bigger than 4 MB.
Budget and other information
Report the project budget and other information about all organisations participating in the application in Prisma. In Prisma, write out the sum you are applying for in full, i.e., write SEK 1 million as: SEK 1,000,000.
In the budget, state all of the costs and financing for the project (not just the funds for which you are applying to Formas). The administrating organisation is to enter information on and budgets for the coordinating project party and each project party. Prisma automatically adds up the costs and funding for the project overall.
State the following information in the project’s budget:
Information on the administrating organisation and each project party
The administrating organisation collects and enters the information. The coordinating party is the administrating organisation.
This is required information that must be entered separately for all parties in the project.
- Organisation name
- Organisation number
- Address, postal code, city, country
- Annual turnover (the total sales or turnover of the higher education institution, research institute, company, or organisation during the previous fiscal year), stated in digits. Example: 3,500,000.
- Balance sheet total (the sum of either the assets page or liabilities and equity from the company’s or organisation’s balance sheet), stated in digits. Example: 5,500,000.
- Number of employees
- Contact person
- Email address to contact person
- Name of the workplace, address, postal code, city, and country where most of the work will be carried out.
Costs eligible for funding
- Personnel costs: May amount to actual personnel costs for time spent on the project. There is no upper limit. This applies both to companies, other organisations engaged in economic activity (which are subject to EU state aid rules), and other types of organisations. For employees of higher education institutions or research institutes, the amount may never exceed 100 per cent of full-time employment. So, someone who is already receiving full salary funding from another source of funding cannot receive additional salary funding. Researchers who are full-time pensioners cannot receive funding for their own salary.
- Equipment, buildings, and land: The maximum amount you can be awarded for equipment and depreciation costs for equipment is SEK 500,000 total.
- Costs for consultants, licences etc. For the costs of consultancy services and licenses to be eligible for funding, they must be purchased or licensed from external providers at market prices and their services and scope must be stated in the project description.
- Other direct costs: Other direct costs include consumables, travel, conferences, and publication in open access journals and databases.
- Indirect costs (overhead costs): Higher education institutions and research institutes may charge a markup for indirect costs according to the applicable full-cost pricing method. Other project participants that conduct economic activity and that apply for state aid in the project may charge a markup for indirect costs of up to 30 per cent of their eligible personnel costs. Formas does not grant funds for overhead on costs written off for equipment or for premises.
Four types of funding can be stated in the application:
- Applied funding from Formas: Indicates the amount requested from Formas under the call. This amount cannot exceed total costs. If the amount applied for is less than the total costs, the remaining amount will be automatically calculated and reported under “Self-funding”.
- Other funding (state): If Formas or another public funder has provided funding for related projects.
- Other funding (private): If another private company or organisation is contributing external funding to the project.
- Self-funding: Enter the project parties’ own contributions of time, cash, and other resources. If the project parties contribute their self-funding to the project, this is calculated automatically in the field for self-funding.
Funds applied for from Formas may amount to 50 per cent at most of the total project budget. If the project budget includes other funding from a public funding organisation, then when combined with the funds for which you have applied, this aid may amount to a maximum of 50 per cent of the total project budget.
Your self-funding and other aid from private stakeholders constitutes the co-funding of the project. This part should amount to at least 50 per cent of the total project budget. Project parties from the public sector that contribute self-funding can be included in the co-funding. Contact Formas ( if you are unsure about what counts as co-funding.
Members of the project consortium may determine how they share the grants, costs, and co-funding levels, as long as the project overall has at least 50 per cent co-funding and complies with the rules on state aid (see heading “Rules on state aid to companies and other organisations”). Thus a participating project party may:
- apply for funding from Formas only;
- contribute their self-funding only, or
- apply for funding and contribute their self-funding,
- apply for funding from Formas and from other funding organisations, whether private or public.
Funding for other aid (public/private) and self-funding must be secured at the time the application is submitted to this call.
Explanation for personnel costs in the budget (max 500 characters including spaces)
Specify the average hourly rate of budgeted personnel costs. This refers to salaries including social security contributions and other required charges associated with salaries. Personnel expenses: Eligible personnel costs may total actual personnel costs. There is no upper limit.
Other costs that require explanation can be specified here. In this field, enter a maximum of 500 characters including spaces.
Prisma automatically calculates aid intensity and the level of co-funding. The calculated aid intensity is preliminary and may be adjusted before Formas’ award decision.
Budget (2,000 characters including spaces)
The coordinating project party explains the budget in writing here. State the overhead costs that apply in the application here. Formas does not grant funding for overhead on depreciations for equipment or premises.
State any consultancy fees and the scope of the consultant’s participation here. In addition, state which project party/parties are responsible for the consultancy fees. You are encouraged to clearly describe all costs related to the project activities within the project.
Indicate per included party whether this party’s work contributions in the project are an economic activity or not. The rules for state aid define economic activity as offering goods or a service on a market in competition, regardless of whether for profit or not.
Certificate on previously received de minimis aid
For parties applying for de minimis aid, the application is to include a certificate on previously received de minimis aid. This certificate is available on Formas’ website under State aid rules External link.. The certificate should state the scope of de minimis aid received, including the amount applied for in the call. It should list aid received in the previous three years. Organisations should report that collectively, the de minimis aid received in this period does not exceed EUR 300,000, approximately SEK 3 million (see p. 12 Formas’ legal bases and aid intensity (PDF) External link. (Swedish).
Indicate whether the project includes special ethical concerns. Specify what these ethical issues are and how you plan to address them. This can include research that uses personal data or research the involves human or animal experiments.
If you will be conducting research on humans, human tissue, or sensitive personal data, you must submit an application for ethical review to the Swedish Ethical Review Authority and have it approved. If your research involves experiments on animals, you must also have approval from an animal research ethics committee. You can apply for this through the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s e-services.
Indicate in your application whether you have a valid ethical approval or not. If you do not have approval and your application is granted funding, you are to obtain ethical approval before starting the part of the research that requires this approval.
If your research is not expected to involve experiments requiring ethics approval, state this and explain how and why.
Formas uses the project’s classifications in analyses and supporting documentation on an overall level. The classifications are made when the applicant states the subject area, research subject (SCB code), at least one sustainable development goal the project can contribute to, and keywords.
- Subject area
Select the project’s subject area and add a subheading.
- Research topic (SCB code)
Select at least one research subject and two sublevels that together form the entire code.
- Sustainable development goals
Select at least one and up to three sustainable development goals (SDGs) the project can help to achieve, in order of relevance.
More about the meaning of the goals (Swedish). External link.
- Keywords
List at least one and at most three keywords describing the project.
Administrating organisation: the organisation that receives the funds
- Select the administrating organisation from the drop-down menu. If you do not find the organisation that will serve as coordinating project party, see the heading “Organisation account” under “How to apply”.
- Choose the project site from the drop-down menu. If you do not find the correct project site, see the heading “Applicants from administrating organisations requiring individual approval” under “How to apply”.
List the participants
Present all project participants including name, organisation, and role in the project. Fill in the information in the table format of your choice, save the document as a PDF, and upload it under required attachments in Prisma. You can only upload files in PDF format in Prisma.
Attachments: Participant CVs
It is required to attach a CV for the project manager and for at least one key participant. You may add CVs for six participants in the project. Maximum two A4 pages per CV.
Organisation account manager registers the application
After the application is completed, it must be registered, submitted and signed by the organisation account supervisor.
There are two ways for the organisation account supervisor to sign the application:
- If the organisation account supervisor is the same person as the project leader, that person registers the application and signing occurs automatically.
- If someone other than the project leader is the organisation account supervisor, then that person finalises the application. Next, the administrating organisation (the organisation account supervisor or user who has the role of application manager) registers and submits the application. The application is signed by default at registration.
At any time while working on the application, the project manager can go to the tab check and register.
Any missing required information or other issues that might prevent the application from being registered will be listed there.
See more information on the Prisma support page: External link.
PLEASE NOTE: Once the application time has expired, the application can only be completed in special cases, upon request from Formas.
How the main applicant is to fill in and scrutinises the budget and other information
Coordinating project party
Fill in information about the coordinating project party
- Specify the company/organisation and associated information
- List the workplace, the place where the main part of the project will be conducted, and the associated information for the workplace
Fill in the costs for the coordinating project party
- Click Edit
- The columns for years come from the project time specified in Basic Information.
- Fill in costs for each type of cost and year.
- Save and close the window.
- Total costs are calculated automatically in the summation fields.
Fill in funding for the coordinating project party
- Click Edit
- Fill in the applied funding from Formas, per year
- Fill in any other funding received from other public funding organisations
- Fill in eventual funding received from private funding financier
- Self-financing is calculated automatically based on what is entered in the cost and financing sections.
- Save and close the window.
- Total financing is calculated automatically in the aggregated fields.
- Specify the funding organisation’s name if other funding has been awarded.
- Funding intensity is calculated automatically in per cent.
- Co-funding level is calculated automatically in per cent.
- In the budget justification field, explain how the average hourly cost for the budgeted staff expenses has been calculated.
Project party
Click on Add project party for the project party or parties that will participate, in addition to the coordinating project party (administrating organisation).
Fill in the sections for information, budget, and financing for each project party in the same way as described for the coordinating project party. See the Coordinating project party section above. Information for the project parties is to be filled in regardless of whether the project party is applying for a grant, i.e. funding from Formas or not. If project parties do not apply for funding from Formas and instead only participate in-kind, state the budgeted project costs for these project parties but enter SEK "0" in the field “Applied for funding from Formas” under Funding for these project parties. Note that subcontractors to the applicant are not project partners in the application.
Project costs and funding
The total specified cost of the project and total specified funding respectively are calculated automatically below following the budget charts for the coordinating project party and other project parties.
Double check how you filled in the budget tables well in advance of registering your application. Applications with incorrectly filled in budgets may be rejected. Check the following for all budget tables per project party, including coordinating project party and tables for project costs and project funding, respectively, which combine totals from tables per project party:
- You have added all project partners participating in the project.
- You have specified the amount of funding applied for from Formas for all the project parties that intend to receive funding from Formas.
- You have stated other funding for those project parties that have other funding.
- You have the self-funding required by state aid regulations for companies and other organisations, where relevant.
After submitting your application
First, Formas verifies that the application meets the procedural requirements set out in the call. If the application does not meet these requirements, it is rejected.
For this call, the following requirements will be checked:
- That the amount applied for per project does not exceed SEK 4 million.
- That the project has applied for no more than 36 months and no less than 12 months.
- Requirement for co-funding of 50 per cent for the project overall from the business sector or other non-academic parties.
- The project parties must be legal entities (i.e., no sole proprietors or other unsuitable forms of enterprise).
- At least two organisations are to participate in the project as project parties, at least one of which should be from the business or public sector.
- That international project participants will not receive the funding.
- That there are not multiple applications with the same content.
- That the project description is written in the template provided on the call’s website.
If one or more of these requirements is not met, your application will be rejected. This means the application will not go on to review.
An external panel will then assess all applications based on the information presented in them. This means it is important for the application to include all relevant information and for the content to be as clear as possible.
Summary of the preparation process:
- Formas assesses applications for state aid for those parties that conduct economic activity in the project and ensures that legal requirements and Formas’ requirements are fulfilled. Financial aspects are also examined for parties conducting non-economic activity.
- Applications that meet the formal requirements will be assessed based on the assessment criteria (relevance, potential, implementation, and stakeholders) by independent external reviewers. Three assessors will review each application. The applications are then ranked and a funding recommendation is made.
- Formas decides which projects will be funded.
- The decisions are announced to the applicants and the Smart Built Environment’s programme office and are published on Formas’ and Smart Built Environment’s websites.
Assessment criteria
The applications are assessed based on the following criteria on a scale of 1–7, where 1 is the lowest and 7 is the highest. All criteria are weighed equally.
- The project can substantially contribute to the purpose and goal of the call.
- The project addresses at least one thematic area External link. and impacts in accordance with the programme’s impact logic External link..
- The project’s problem formulation and purpose are clear, logical, and well defined.
- The project design and expected results have considered the needs and conditions of the relevant stakeholders.
- The project’s intended result is innovative or significantly better than the available solutions on the current market.
- The application describes the business-related or operational benefit that the project result is expected to have for the company/organisation or sector.
- The project’s potential for contributing to improved equality in the processes of spatial planning or through the result to which the project contributes.
- The planned activities and methods are realistic and suitable for achieving the expected results during the duration of the project.
- The timeline and budget are realistic and appropriate in relation to the project’s purpose and goals.
- The plan for using the project’s results is well described and appropriate.
- Ethical considerations are described clearly, and the applicant’s plan for managing these is appropriate.
- Equality is well integrated into the implementation of the project, for example regarding analysis/problem formulation, goals, and activities.
Project organisation
- The project’s organisation and overall competence of the project group are appropriate for the implementation of the project, including real-world impact of the project’s results.
- The project will be carried out in collaboration with relevant stakeholders or end users. The involvement of the project participants is described well and appropriate for the objectives of the project.
- The project team (key people) is well composed with regard to gender equality, not only in numbers, but also in allocation of power and influence in the project. This is relevant for project teams of more than 3 people.
AI as support in assessing the application
Formas’ reviewers may currently not use AI tools as support in assessing applications. The are several reasons for this. There is a great risk that information uploaded could be disseminated. There is also a risk related to confidentiality and the processing of pers onal data. Uploading an application or information from an application to any form of AI tool constitutes the unauthorised sharing of information. This applies not just to AI tools but also to other services and tools for storing and sharing data.
Using AI tools in reviews of applications can also be inconsistent with the principles of responsible assessment. The European Commission, together with the countries of the European Research Area (ERA) and other stakeholders, has launched Guidelines for responsible use of generative AI in research External link.. These guidelines specify that AI tools should be avoided in expert reviews.
Decisions on which projects will be awarded funding are expected to be made on 27 May 2025. We publish our decisions the following day at the latest on the Formas website, and you will receive an email informing you that the decision is available in Prisma. Grant award decisions cannot be appealed.
All awarded projects must submit a report to Formas containing financial and project results within three months of the end of the grant grace period. The grace period is a specified period of time after the formal conclusion of the project in which unused funding may be allocated, allowing the project to run beyond its approved deadline. In some cases, the grace period can be extended by Formas due to special circumstances (related to the project manager and administrating organisation, such as illness or parental leave).
Projects longer than 18 months should submit a financial status report to Formas every year. All reports are submitted in Prisma.
Financial reporting in Prisma. External link.
Formas may have requirements for how to report projects regarding content and results to facilitate dissemination and real-world impact. In such cases, the award decision will include more information about this. Formas may also require you to participate in conferences and similar events to create synergies and platforms for learning and knowledge sharing.
Terms and Conditions for Grants – Formas External link.
Since this call is within the framework of the Smart Built Environment strategic innovation programme, special terms, conditions, and instructions governing reporting, follow-up, communication, and other aspects related to the programme may apply. Refer to External link. for more information (Swedish).
Results of research funded by Formas must be published using open access.
You must also have a data management plan for the data produced in the project. If you receive Formas funding, you are to draw up a data management plan. The plan should not be sent into us, but you should be able to present the plan upon request. By signing our grant terms and conditions, you certify that a data management plan will be in place before the research begins and that it will be maintained.
Formas shares information about awarded grants with SweCRIS, a national database of grant-funded research that was instituted by request of the government.
Support and shortcuts
- Prisma External link.
- Prisma user manual and support External link.
- Project costs that qualify for funding External link.
- State aid rules – for organisations engaged in economic activity External link.
- Smart Built Environment Impact Logic 3.0 External link. (Swedish).
- Smart Built Environment Equality Guide External link. (Swedish)
- Ethics policy External link.
- Template for the project description (doc) , 59.3 kB.
No changes has been made to the call text.
Coordinating project party | An organisation that coordinates the project and serves as the administrating organisation, i.e., the party receives the grant funding from Formas, reports on the project in accordance with instructions, and notifies Formas of any changes. |
Project manager | A natural person, or in some cases a legal entity, who submits the application to Formas and leads the planning and implementation of the project. |
Project party | An organisation that implements the project, whether or not it receives a grant, i.e., that provides its self funding. A subcontractor is not a project party. |
Administrating organisation
| The administrating organisation receives funding from Formas and transfers the money to other organisations that are grant recipients in the project; reports on the project in accordance with instructions; and notifies Formas of any changes. |
Administrating organisation for all types of calls | An organisation that can apply for all types of calls from Formas. This includes higher education institutions, research institutes and government agencies tasked with conducting research. |
Administrating organisation for an individual project (see How to apply) | An organisation that can apply for funding through individual calls from Formas and receive grants for an individual project. This includes companies, associations, industry organisations, boards, funds, and municipalities. |
Project site | A project site can be an institution, department, or division within the organisation submitting an application. |
Small and medium-sized enterprise, according to the
| Small enterprises employ between 10 and 49 people and have an annual turnover or balance sheet that does not exceed EUR 10 million. Medium-sized enterprises employ between 50 and 249 people and have annual turnover that does not exceed EUR 50 million or an annual balance sheet that does not exceed EUR 43 million. The rules of small enterprises also apply to enterprises with fewer than 10 employees. Note that sole proprietorships cannot be awarded funding, which means that applications that include a sole proprietor will be rejected. |
Contact information
Formas call manager:
For administrative questions and questions about Prisma:
For questions about the background, purpose and desired outcomes of the call:
Kristina Gabrielii, Project Manager, Smart Built Environment
+46 (0)70-259 56 57