Projects financed under this Call should contribute to sustainable crop production, particularly agro-diversification strategies tailored to different European agricultural systems, and especially targeting landscapes and cropping systems with low and/or moderate agrobiodiversity, higher negative impact on agrobiodiversity, or most at risk due to low resilience.
Purpose and focus
Projects should improve:
- the understanding of the principles and mechanisms of functional and response agrobiodiversity at genetic and/or species level and its contribution to healthy soils, resilient agroecosystems, and to diverse and healthy human diets;
- the understanding of the role that agrobiodiversity plays in ecological connectivity and in the biodiversity of landscapes, the understanding of the most efficacious methods for improving and enhancing agrobiodiversity/biodiversity, and the decision-making process around targeting and promoting agrobiodiversity/biodiversity;
- the understanding of the social, economic, environmental opportunities and barriers to an increased agrobiodiversity at the farm level, as well as the risks and governance aspects;
- agrobiodiversity-based farm practices and organisational patterns improving the resilience of agroecosystemse)
- solutions on how increased agrobiodiversity can contribute to farm income and/or what possibilities there are to find economic incentives from the market to promote agrobiodiversity.
Involvement of stakeholder and/or end-users, especially farmers, is strongly encouraged throughout the project lifetime in order to provide adapted solutions.
The knowledge produced by the projects funded under this Call should be policy-relevant and applicable, therefore on-farm experiments and stakeholder involvement are strongly encouraged as well as interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams.
Proposals submitted to the Call must address one of the three following topics:
- Agricultural genetic resourses
- Agricultural practices and farm models
- Agrobiodiversity and territorial systems
Research consortia should consist of a minimum of three partners seeking funding from at least three different Funding Parties and countries. In order to achieve balanced partnerships, the maximum budget that can be requested by partners from one country is 70% from the total requested budget.
Who the call is addressed to
You who have a PhD and conduct research at universities, colleges, research institutes or authorities that conduct research as part of their assignment and private companies, are eligible to apply in Sweden. Research institutes refer to organizations that have research as their only or main activity.
Calltext and application
The deadline for pre-registration of proposals is May 4, 12:00h CEST.
The deadline for proposal submission is June 22, 12:00h CEST.