Funded projects
Preliminary decisions. Please note that only decisions published in Prisma is a guarantee of granted funding.
The goal of this call is to establish a platform (Knowledge Hub) that enables exchanges within the field of urban accessibility and connectivity. The purpose of this platform is to overcome the fragmentation of experiences, competences and results. This call supports the ERA-Net Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (EN-UAC) as well as the Horizon Europe Driving Urban Transition (DUT) Partnership objectives.
The countries participating in the call are Austria, France, Italy, Latvia, Sweden and the UK and the available budget is approximately 718 000 €. Each national/regional funding agency will provide funds directly to their eligible beneficiaries in accordance with the agencies’ rules and regulations.
The Knowledge Hub will be funded for a period of up to two years.
The Knowledge Hub is expected to propose concrete solutions for urban transition and improve research results, translate research into practice and connect actors from different sectors.
Examples of expected outputs are:
- Organise workshops between ongoing projects
- Map project results & synthesis reports from projects
- Map and describe living labs, use cases
- Write policy briefs and guidelines for practitioners
- Arrange workshops between stakeholders and KH experts (including existing EU networks)
- Develop proposals for training and education
- Publish joint scientific papers and contribute to books and reports.
In order to become an expert in the Knowledge Hub, all applicants must submit an Expression of Interest (EoI). The EoI should express the willingness and ability of the applicant(s) to join the Knowledge Hub as an active and contributing member.
Apply and call text
Everything you need to know before and after you apply can be found in the international call text published on JPI Urban Europe's website. The call text contains more detailed information and should be read carefully before submitting the Expression of Interest.
Please read the detailed information regarding funding regulations and eligible costs: State aid regulations
– for private and public organisations that engage in economic activity
We highly recommend to contact the National Contact persons during the preparation of the application.