To achieve the transition to sustainable, competitive food systems and to address the challenges facing society and the food sector, long-term research and innovation efforts, pooled skills and collaboration among stakeholders with different perspectives are needed.
Funded projects
Preliminary decisions. Please note that only decisions published in Prisma is a guarantee of granted funding.
Interdisciplinary research is needed on issues that address the interactions and dependencies within the food system and that include the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and economic. Not least, integrated measures are needed that contribute to knowledge-building and skills provision for stakeholders in the food system.
To meet these needs, Formas is announcing grants to fund interdisciplinary research centres that promote sustainable and competitive food systems. The research centres must be planned, established and run jointly by academia, businesses and other parts of society. This call for proposals is thus aimed at groups of stakeholders in which the principal applying organisation is a university, college or research institute. Only multi-party applications, with business-sector participation, can be granted funding.
The research planned must address challenges in one or more of the thematic areas described in the research agenda Towards a sustainable and competitive food system. Also, the research centres must work to promote knowledge-building and the provision of skills for food system stakeholders in the short and the long term. This will be accomplished by actively promoting knowledge dissemination and research impact, and by educating PhD students and, when relevant, creating interdisciplinary graduate schools.
This call is an initiative within the framework of the National Research Programme for Food and a part of the implementation of the strategic research agenda Towards a sustainable and competitive food system.
Call text
In the call text you will find everything you need to know before applying.
A digital application is submitted in the Prisma application system External link.. Guidelines and information about what your application should contain can be found in the call text.
More information
- April 17: A webinar about the call
- May 14: A webinar and digital match-making between actors interested in the call.
In this call, it is important to find the right partner. For digital matchmaking, we use a tool where you can answer questions and present your idea to others. Feel free to post a picture and a link to your LinkedIn profile to make yourself, your skills and your experience more visible to others, if you want to collaborate. The matchmaking tool closes on June 18, 2020.
Contact information
For questions about the content of the call

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