Funded projects
Preliminary decisions. Please note that only decisions published in Prisma is a guarantee of granted funding.
Formas will contribute a total of 1 500 000 Euro during 2021–2023 to trans-continental research and innovation between Europe, Latin America and Africa that contribute to a transition towards more sustainable and resilient food systems and reduced climate change in the ERA-Net Cofund call on Food Systems and Climate (FOSC).
Purpose and aim
This trans-continental (Europe, Latin America and Africa) call aims to support scientifically excellent, trans-continental research, development and innovation projects that contribute to the knowledge base on food systems and climate change. It is highly recommended to address transdisciplinarity in the proposed projects.
Who can apply?
The main applicant and co-applicants must have doctoral degrees. Grants can be given to researchers at Swedish universities, university colleges or research institutes.