Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Action on Resilience in Rapidly Changing Arctic Systems (CRA Arctic II)
See the awarded projects om Belmon Formum's website External link.
The Belmont Forum is pleased to announce the launch of a second Collaborative Research Action focused on Arctic region. The title of this international funding opportunity is Resilience in Rapidly Changing Arctic Systems. The call aims at bringing together researchers and other expertise across the globe to develop proposals from integrated teams of scientists and stakeholders to address key areas of arctic resilience understanding and action. This collaboration of academic and non-academic knowledge systems constitutes a transdisciplinary approach that will advance not only understanding of the fundamentals of arctic resilience but also spur action, inform decision-making, and translate into solutions for resilience.
International cooperation
Funders from 10 countries have committed resources for this call: Canada, Denmark, France, Japan, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden and USA.
The total maximum contribution from Formas per application (for one or more Swedish partners) is 3 million SEK (approx. 300 k€) for participation in a project or a maximum of 4 million SEK (approx. 400 k€) if the applicant is coordinating the project as Leading Principal Investigator. Swedish applicants in a consortium are encouraged to register with Formas under one single PI. Applicants will be informed by Formas about this process after the call has closed.
Proposing consortia shall address at least two of seven interconnected elements of resilience as described in the Arctic Resilience Report External link. of the Arctic Council:
- natural capital
- social capital
- financial capital
- cultural capital
- human capital
- infrastructure
- knowledge
Given the complexity and scope of the challenges, research consortia must be truly transdisciplinary, thus including researchers from
- social sciences/humanities/economy,
- natural sciences/technology,
- societal partners (i.e. citizens, civil society organizations)
using a co-design, co-development and co-implementation approach.
Resilience in Rapidly Changing Arctic Systems encourages international cooperation by requiring that projects are eligible for award by at least three of the funders supporting the call. Partners that are not eligible for funding through this call can participate in the research project at their own expense. Please ensure that your project theme is compliant with funding specifications by contacting the listed Organizational Contact Points in the relevant organizational annex documents for this call.
Proposing consortia seeking partners to meet the transdisciplinary or transnational requirements are encouraged to utilize existing Arctic and other networks to build their project teams, such as the Future Earth Open Network External link., the International Arctic Science Council, IASC
External link. or the International Arctic Social Sciences Association, IASSA
External link..
Details of the call and the application process are provided via the application portal External link. and the Belmont Forum web site
External link..
Deadline for proposals is on 20 June 2019.
There are also training modules available for proposers on the Belmont Forum YouTube channel External link.. Before starting to prepare proposals, applicants are advised to contact their funding organisations as listed in the annex documents for the call.