Decided. Formas has allocated SEK 48 million to a call for financing research projects within organic production and consumption.
Decision list: Organic food production and consumption 2018-11-14 , 23.2 kB.
The official given decision will at the latest be announced in Prisma on 23 November.
The targeted call in organic production and consumption wants to strengthen both research and the impact of research, thus there should be a detailed plan on how to interact and communicate with different stakeholders as well as the surrounding community. Projects can be allocated up to 3 million per year and the length of projects should be 4 years.
Purpose of the call
The call aims to satisfy the need for broader projects that can address cross-disciplinary issues and sustainable solutions, and to contribute to greater expertise in organic food production and consumption.
Who can apply: A Swedish university, college, research institute, governmentagency commissioned to conduct research or other public-sector organisation that meet Formas’criteria for administrating organisations (Read more in the call text)
Each project can apply for: Up to 2-3 million SEK/year
Length of project: 4 years
Formas allocates: 48 million SEK
Call text
In the call text, you will find all you need to know before, during and after you have applied.
Organic food production and consumption , 233.7 kB. (pdf) External link.
How to apply
Submit your grant application using the application system Prisma. External link.
To create an application in Prisma, you need a user account.
More information
General instructions for applicants to Formas External link.
Formas ethical policy External link.
Grant administrating organisations External link.
Apply in Prisma External link.
Prisma user support External link.
Contact information
Åsa Frisk, Senior Research Officer
Telephone: +46(0)8-775 41 19, +46(0)72 209 05 59
Ola Thomsson, Senior Research Officer
Telephone: +46(0)8 775 40 02, +46(0)70 286 65 05
Administrative assistance
Sara Paglia, Research Administrator
Telephone: +46(0)8 775 41 09, +46(0)72 451 33 55
Page manager: Åsa Frisk