Given decision. Formas announces available grant funding of up to SEK 17 million to fund communication projects. The topic of the communication project must lie within Formas’ areas of responsibility and the maximum that can be granted is SEK 3 million per project. The call opens on 14th june 2018.
Given decision
Given decision 2018-11-14 , 12.8 kB.(The official given decision will at the latest be announced in Prisma on 23 November.)
NOTE. The call text has been revised on 27th august, to specify that applications with a budget that exceeds the maximum allowed amount for this call will be rejected. The maximum allowed amount for this call is 1 million SEK/year. Also, the budget tamplet for companies and organisations has been updated since the columns did not work properly in the earlier version.
The purpose of the call is to support projects that communicate and popularize research and research results within Formas' areas of responsibility, Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning. The purpose of the call is to fund innovative communication projects to spread knowledge about research and sustainability. The communication project can be, for example, popular science seminars, publications, exhibitions, games, film and video productions, digital productions or other popular science activities.
Who can apply: Swedish companies (not sole proprietorships), organizations, universities, colleges and research institutes. The projects must include at least one communicator and one researcher with a doctoral degree.
Each project can apply for: 500 000 - 1 million SEK/year.
Length of project: 6 months - 3 years.
Formas allocates: Up to SEK 17 million
Call text
In the call text, you will find all you need to know before, during and after you have applied.
Formas grand communication call , 192.5 kB.
How to apply
The application should be submitted through the application system Prisma. External link.Guidelines for what your application should contain and information about evaluation criteria will be provided in the full call texts.
More information
Apply in Prisma External link.Prisma user support
External link.Prisma IT support
External link.
Budget templet for Companies and organisations (In Swedish) External link.Specific rules on de minimis aid
External link.
Contact information
Alexander Fälldin, Communication Officer
Telephone: +46(0)8-775 40 65
Administrative assistance
Kenneth Nilsson, Research Administrator
Telephone: +46 (0)8-775 40 40
De minimis aid and budget
Johan Hansson, senior research officer
Telephone: +46 (0)72-451 84 02